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//-->World War I firsTanks, dogfights & guide dogs:13 incredible wartime innovationsCAESARINVADESInside his blood-soakedbattle to conquerBritainFrom plundering pirates tothe West’s real-life ZorroHALL OFINFAMYHenry VII‘The rightful heir’John Howard,The money grabberHenry StaffordThe jealous dukeMargaret BeaufortThe devoted motherWho Murdered The PrincHARRIADiscover the truth behind the Tower’s unsolved mysteryThe cityin the skyWhy was the Inca strongholdof Machu Picchu left for ruin?www.historyanswers.co.ukBecomingMarilynThe troubled childhood androcky rise of Norma JeaneISSUE 28Before she dyed her hair platinum,Marilyn Monroe was a shy girl with atroubled home life. Find out how shebecame a screen siren on page 44WelcomeEditor’s picksSome say they were exiled, others say theydied of a ‘malady’, but the popular theory is thatthe boys were murdered. So this issue, we’veput the car park king on trial to find out whetherhe really did kill the princes. We’ve lined up thesuspects, weighed up the evidence, and madeour own verdict on the matter, but it’s up to youto decide who you think is guilty.Richard III was hauled back into the public eyein 2012 when archaeologists discovered hisremains buried beneath a Leicester car park.The search gripped millions around the worldand thousands watched the procession to hisfinal resting place at Leicester Cathedral.Though the case of his missing body is nowclosed, there remains one mystery surroundingthe notorious king that is yet to be unravelled:the case of the princes in the Tower. The twoyoung boys were last seen in 1483, when theiruncle – Richard – had them sent to the Towerof London, supposedly in preparation for theelder prince’s coronation. However, days laterthey were declared illegitimate and Richard IIIwas crowned. The boys were never seen again.22Day in the life of a pirateWe’ve seen it in the movies,but now you can find outwhat day-to-day life wouldreally have been like for apirate quartermaster on thehigh seas.58The city in the skyWhat was the true purposeof the Inca stronghold ofMachu Picchu? And whywas it left to ruin? Discoverthe story behind thislandmark on page 58.78Alicea FrancisDeputy EditorShare your views and opinions onlineWorld War I firstsFrom the mass use ofpoison gas to guidedog training schools,the innovations of WWIchanged our lives, be it forbetter or worse.Be part of history© Alamywww.historyanswers.co.ukFacebook/AllAboutHistoryTwitter@AboutHistoryMag3CONTENTS28Did the car park king really murder the princes in theTower? We line up the suspects and weigh up the evidenceWelcome toAll About History14TimelineFrom ancient rebels to modepirates, discover 2,000 yearsvillainy and vice2816Inside HistoryLook behind the imposingwalls of the Tower of London18Hall of InfamyMeet ten of history’s mostnotorious rogues and rebels20Anatomy ofSombreros were more thanstatements for Mexican ban22Day in the LifeWhat really went on aboard aship? Find out the gory detai24How toLearn how the Great Train Rcarried out their heinous cri265 Myths BusteDid Billy the Kid really kill oman for each year of his life?44BecomingMarilynF68Caesar’s Invasionof BritainFind out why Rome’s greatest generalfailed to conquer this tiny islandBefore she changed her name, NormaJeane’s life was far from glamorous58Machu Picchu:City in the SkyUncover the mysterious past of theiconic Inca stronghold78World War IFirsts13 incredible wartime innovations,from tanks to mobile X-ray machines44/AllAboutHistory@AboutHistoryMag4Be part of historywww.historyanswers.co.ukEVERY ISSUE06History inPicturesThree stunning photographs ofhistory as it happened36Heroes & VillainsThe remarkable life of aviation heroineAmelia Earhart revealed40Through History663678Musical instruments from AncientEgypt to Western rock ‘n roll54Greatest BattlesA blow-by-blow account of Nelson’svictory at the Battle of Trafalgar66Time Traveller’sHandbookLearn how to survive the tyrants andtreachery of Feudal Japan76What Was It Like?Take a walk through history, as wetransport you to 16th-century Prague86ReviewsThe latest history books and boardgames rated or slated90InterviewWe talk to Hannah New, the star ofTV pirate dramaBlack Sails92History Answers586Find out who the first king of Englandwas and more niggling questions fromour curious readers94Your HistoryA reader shares the story of how herRAF grandfather met his wife98History vsHollywoodDoesMy Week With Marilynmatchwhat really happened?68ENJOYED THEMAGAZINE?SUBSCRIBE &SAVE 25%Page 42
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