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//-->On page 40,discover howEdmund Hillaryand SherpaTenzing Norgaybeat the odds andconquered EverestWelcomeOver and over again, Abraham Lincolnhas come out on top in the hugely popularpresidential ranking surveys carried out byAmericans every year – and for good reason.Born in a one-room log cabin, Lincoln provedthe epitome of the American dream when herose to power through sheer hard work andgood fortune. He won his supporters not withforce, but armed with intelligence and witalone. He opposed slavery in the midst of hugeadversity, and when his election threatened totear the United States apart, his leadership inthe civil war brought it back together again.But there was a darker side to Lincoln – onethat the surveys have almost allowed us toforget. In this issue, we expose both the great© Rex FeaturesEditor’s picksachievements and shameful shortcomings ofthe USA’s favourite president during its mostturbulent time. Turn to page 28 for the full story.Elsewhere, we tell ten true tales from onboard RMS Titanic starting on page 74, andon page 50 we reveal the adultery, incest andmurder that bred in the sinful House of Borgia.Until next time!12History of magicFrom the Druids to Houdini,we explore millennia ofmagic and illusion, includinga look into a Renaissancealchemist’s lab and a day inthe life of a witch hunter.82What if?Find out how OxfordUniversity professorSteven Gunn imaginesthe world had Henry VIIImanaged to have a sonwith Catherine of Aragon.40Alicea FrancisEditorConquering EverestWith the release of thenewEverestmovie,we take a look back atEdmund Hillary’s death-defying climb of Earth’shighest mountain.Be part of historywww.historyanswers.co.ukShare your views and opinions onlineFacebook/AllAboutHistoryTwitter@AboutHistoryMag3CONTENTSWelcome toAll About History28How one of the USA’s greatest presidents overcame hishumble beginnings to lead the country in its darkest hour14Timeline16Inside hExplore the labosearching for theMAGIC & ILLUSION26Anatomy ofA Romani fortune-teller playingup to the stereotype to deliver anFrom simple tricks to death-defyingfeats, follow the evolution of magic2818Hall of fTen men who acwhile standing i205 mythsUncover the secmystical druids22How toPerform the oldetrick in the booksawing a woman4024Day in tlifeWhat was it likethose doing thethe devil?40ConqueringEverestFEATURES62StonehengedecodedExplore one of the British Isles’ mostmysterious monuments as we revealthe dark secrets under the stonesFind out how Edmund Hillary andSherpa Tenzing Norgay became thefirst men to stand on top of the world50Meet the BorgiasThe name is synonymous withcorruption, lust and greed, but werethe Borgias really as bad as we think?74Tragedy onTitanicDiscover ten true tales of love andloss aboard the doomed ship4Be part of historywww.historyanswers.co.uk/AllAboutHistory@AboutHistoryMagEVERY ISSUE06History inpicturesThree unmissable photos of historyas it happened48Time traveller’shandbookImmerse yourself in Aztec culturewith our traveller’s guide to theglittering city of Tenochtitlan58627458Greatest battlesA blow-by-blow account of theslaughter at the Somme70Heroes & villainsExplore the life of Lord Haw Haw,one of World War II’s most notorioustraitors who swung for his crimes82What ifHistorian and Oxford Universityprofessor Steven Gunn looks at HenryVIII’s life had he been given a son86ReviewsDo we love or loathe the latesthistorical releases?90CompetitionYour chance to win one of threeboxsets of more than 16 hours offootage from World War II92History answers8210We discover when the first computerwas invented and who won the Battleof the Nile94Your historyA reader tells us about his family’scontribution to World War I98History vsHollywoodDo we see the real president in thisaccount of Abraham Lincoln’s life?50ENJOYED THEMAGAZINE?SUBSCRIBE &SAVE 25%Page 38 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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