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Chicano Poetics: Heterotexts and Hybridities
examines the crossing of
literary and social forces - be they linguistic, political, poetic - that
forms the context for being Chicano. Heterotextual poetics reveals
how a poetry of the cross can influence identity, in readings rang-
ing from the poetry of gender and race by Sor Juana Ines de la
Cruz to that of the fragmentary, postmodern subject of Juan Felipe
Herrera. How the
of Spanish and Indian miscegenation and
the story of Aztlan propagate identity is demonstrated in texts from
Bernal Diaz del Castillo to Gloria Anzaldua. The international
space and the interlingual language of the borderlands are read as
factors of nationalism and postcoloniality in discussion ranging
from cowboy lingo to the essential Mexicanism of Octavio Paz.
Heterotextuality is the medium in which xicanismo is articulated
and the xicano comes to be a hybrid subject of textual difference.
Chicano Poetics
Eric Sundquist,
University of California, Los Angeles
Founding Editor
Albert Gelpi,
Stanford University
Advisory Board
Nina Baym,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Sacvan Bercovitch,
Harvard University
Albert Gelpi,
Stanford University
Rutgers University
Carolyn Porter,
University of California, Berkeley
Robert Stepto,
Yale University
Tony Tanner,
King's College, Cambridge University
Books in the series
109. Alfred Arteaga,
Chicano Poetics: Heterotexts and Hybridities
108. Richard Godden,
Fictions of Labor: William Faulkner and the
South's Long Revolution
107. Mark W. Van Wienen,
Partisans and Poets: The Political Work of
American Poetry in the Great War
106. Robin Grey,
The Complicity of Imagination: The American Renais-
sance, Contests of Authority, and lyth-Century English Culture
105. Aldon Lynn Nielsen,
Black Chant: Languages of African-American
104. Cassandra Laity,
H.D. and the Victorian Fin de Siecle: Gender,
Modernism, Decadence
103. Philip Gould,
Covenant and Republic: Historical Romance and the
Politics of Puritanism
102. Helen Jaskoski (ed.),
Early Native American Writers
101. Susan K. Harris,
The Courtship of Olivia Langdon and Mark Twain
100. Wyn Kelley,
Melville's City: Urban and Literary Form in Nine-
teenth-Century New York
{Series listing continued following index)
Chicano Poetics
Alfred Arteaga
University of California, Berkeley
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