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Machiavelli in the British Isles
Two Early Modern Translations of
The Prince
Alessandra Petrina
Machiavelli in the British isles
Anglo-ITAlIAn REnAIssAncE sTudIEs sERIEs
Series Editors
General editor: Michele Marrapodi, University of Palermo, italy
advisory editors: Keir elam, University of Bologna, italy
robert henke, Washington University, Usa
this series aims to place early modern english drama within the context of the
European Renaissance and, more speciically, within the context of Italian cultural,
dramatic, and literary traditions, with reference to the impact and inluence of both
classical and contemporary culture. Among the various forms of inluence, the
series considers early modern italian novellas, theatre, and discourses as direct or
indirect sources, analogues and paralogues for the construction of shakespeare’s
drama, particularly in the comedies, romances, and other italianate plays. critical
analysis focusing on other cultural transactions, such as travel and courtesy books,
the arts, fencing, dancing, and fashion, will also be encompassed within the scope
of the series. special attention is paid to the manner in which early modern english
dramatists adapted italian materials to suit their theatrical agendas, creating new
forms, and stretching the renaissance practice of
to achieve, even
if unconsciously, a process of rewriting, remaking, and refashioning of ‘alien’
cultures. the series welcomes both single-author studies and collections of essays
and invites proposals that take into account the transition of cultures between the
two countries as a bilateral process, paying attention also to the penetration of
early modern english culture into the italian world.
Courtesans, Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama
Duncan James salkeld
Italian Literary Women in Early Modern England
Gender in Elizabethan Translations of Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso
selene scarsi
Shakespeare and Venice
Graham holderness
Machiavelli in the British isles
two early Modern translations of
The Prince
alessanDra Petrina
Università di Padova, Italy
© alessandra Petrina 2009
all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.
alessandra Petrina has asserted her right under the copyright, Designs and Patents act, 1988,
to be identiied as the author of this work.
Published by
ashgate Publishing limited
ashgate Publishing company
Wey court east
suite 420
Union road
101 cherry street
surrey, GU9 7Pt
vt 05401–4405
British library cataloguing in Publication data
Petrina, alessandra.
Machiavelli in the British isles: two early modern translations of the prince. –
(anglo-italian renaissance studies)
1. Machiavelli, niccolo, 1469–1527 – translations into english – history and criticism.
2. Machiavelli, niccolo, 1469–1527. Principe. 3. Machiavelli, niccolo, 1469–1527 –
appreciation – Great Britain. 4. Political science – Philosophy–early works to 1800 –
translations into english. 5. Fowler, William, 1560?–1612
i. title ii. series
library of congress cataloging–in–Publication data
Petrina, alessandra.
Machiavelli in the British isles : two early modern translations of the Prince /
alessandra Petrina.
p. cm. – (anglo-italian renaissance studies)
includes bibliographical references and index.
isBn 978-0-7546-6697-4 (hardcover : alk. paper) – isBn 978-0-7546-9630-8
1. Machiavelli, niccol, 1469–1527. Principe – translations into english – history and
criticism. 2. translating and interpreting – Great Britain – history. i. title.
Jc143.M3946P48 2009
isBn 9780754666974 (hbk)
isBn 9780754696308 (ebk.V)
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