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//-->Enjoy life for less!ISSUE 6, JUNE 2015“ I lostmore than100 lbs.”SIX WOMENSHARE THEIRSTORIESPlan theBest FamilyVacationMakeCookoutsExtraSpecial�½�½PLUSStreamlineWeeknightDinners�½32 genius waysto keep kids busyMOBILE SHOPPING APPSclick + save bigwith the bestDOGS,VEGGIESANDSIDES!QUICKAND EASYSTARTS ON PAGE 81LARRY THECABLE GUYACTUAL USERPrilosec OTC®contains medicine once onlyavailable by prescription, and is the:#1Gastroenterologist^recommended,#1Doctor†& Pharmacist^^recommended, and#1Selling**frequent heartburn medicinefor 9 straight years.ONE PILL EACH MORNING. 24 HOURS.ZERO HEARTBURN.**It’s possible while taking Prilosec OTC. Use as directed for 14 days to treat frequent heartburn. Do not take formore than 14 days or more often than every 4 months unless directed by a doctor. May take 1 to 4 days for full effect. Not for immediate relief.^†Symphony Health Solutions ProVoice™Survey, Jan. 2005–Mar. 2014 ^^Pharmacy Times Surveys, Acid Reducer/Heartburn Categories 2006–2014**P&G Calculation based on Nielsen ScanTrack FD+, 2004–2014© Procter & Gamble, Inc., 2014JUNE 2015CONTENTSyourself1516Look fresh-facedall summerGreat fashions nowat popular retailersSmart beauty advicePick your polishNo-fuss manicuresWise ways to exerciseYour healthy travelto-do listSmart sleep adviceStrategies for losingthe weight—for goodUltimate guide tosummer entertainingOne week,five easy mealsSmart food adviceWhen your boss doesnot understand momsGear up for summerKeep kids learningWhat you need to knowabout liceCelebrate DadFather’s Day gift guideTales of pet adoptionSmart family adviceThe top 50 budget-friendly appsSmart money adviceShop smarterBetween usYour timeEasy decoratingHoroscopeBrainteasersGiveaways‘My hero’34‘I LOSTMORE THAN100 POUNDS’$10 OFFsitewide atsustyparty.comCODE:ALLYOUEXPIRES:6/26/1520222427283234yourhealthgreatfood4150576162666871747678yourfamilyFASHION FINDS16yourmoney4181902591091929596BACK YARD COOKOUTSAlso in this issueGETTY IMAGES (COIN PURSE)CELEBR ATE DAD7115B e stmon ey-sav i n gA pp s !BEAT THE HEATWITH BEAUT YRECOMMENDATIONS81shopsmarterEXCLUSIVE WAYS TO SAVE1IN PRINTTHIS MONTH’SCOUPONS AND DEALSAcaciaTV,20% off (p. 27)Amopé Pedi Perfect file,$5 off (p. 25)Amopé Pedi Perfect refill or cream,$1 off (p. 25)Butterball turkey burgers,$1 off (p. 40)Shutterfly.com,25% off (p. 74)Sustyparty.com,$10 off (p. 1)Scan for bargains on productsand recipe ingredients. Use yoursmartphone to scan productphotos on specially markedpages to purchase items youlike. You also can scan recipephotos, then organize menus,create a shopping list and findnearby bargains on ingredients.Here’s how to do it:DOWNLOAD THE FREE DIGIMARC APP(available at Google Play and iTunes).Launch it, then hover your phone 4 to7 inches above the picture (line it up inthe on-screen crosshairs).IF YOU’VE SCANNED A PRODUCT PHOTO,your browser will open to a page where youcan comparison-shop, buy an item or sign upto receive price-drop alerts.IF YOU’VE SCANNED A RECIPE PHOTO,your browser will open to our sister site myrecipes.com. Save the recipe to your MyRecipes account,then make menus, shopping lists and more. Don’thave an account? Sign up on the spot.Wherever yousee this icon,scan the photofor extra value!FIND OUR COVER STORIES3428, 78, 8141502ON MOBILEDo you read ALLYOUon an Android device, aniPad or iPhone or a Kindle Fire?With our ShopNow service, you can buy featured products,compare prices or sign up for price-drop alerts.Just connect to the Web, then tapTAP HEREthe pink bar at the top of the screen.TO SHOP!HOTDOG!Ramp up your next backyard cookout with enticingfood, like the Chicago-style hot dog and lightened-uppotato salad and slaw on our cover. Turn to page 41 formore easy summer entertaining ideas including smartways to throw a fun, stress-free get-together.COVER PHOTO: KATE SEARS, FOOD STYLING: LIZA JERNOW,PROP STYLING: MEGAN HEDGPETH3ONLINEVisit allyou.com/coupons-deals tosnag up to $500 worth of couponseach month.Sign up for our DailyFree Sample Newsletter at allyou.com/newsletters. We find the bestfreebies and deliver them to yourin-box Monday through Friday.SUBSCRIBETOALLYOUFOR JUST$1.81PER ISSUEScan the image atleft to start saving!You’ll get a year’sworth of issues forone low price.2JUNE 2015ALLYOU.COMPROMOTIONAttention Savvy Shoppers!Try new products, share youropinions, take advantageof giveaways and contestsand START SAVING NOWby becoming anALL YOU Reality Checker.realitycheckers.allyou.comSCAN HERE TO SIGN UP NOW!(See page 2 for instructions)Reality Checker Central is an exclusive hub forALL YOU readers where you can enjoy great perks:Get exclusive freebies,discounts and deals that you can’tConnect with other Reality Checkersjust like you.Try the latest products FREEin ALL YOU and ALLYOU.comKeep up with the latest information [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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