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//-->~L MANN~d~POST OFFiCE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSE'1 07728TheLex='i-coD.PhenomenaTel. (201) 4)1-2429POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728THE NEW tEXICON PHENOMENAFOREWORDThe Lexicon Phenomena test was presentedat the M.A.E.S. convention in Atlantic Cityin 1977. It stunned the audience but no onebelieved what they saw. They said that thespectator was a confederate.In Columbus, Ohio, a lady fainted whilementalist Bobby Hughes performed his expertpresentation of the Lexicon Phenomena.The system used in the LP test has alrea-dy been applied to a number of foreign langua-ges. One foreign power confiscated the LP andno doubt studied it as a possible weapon inespionage. Imagine two foreign agents commu-nicating in code by the use of a dictionaryand without knowing or coming near each otherlTake heed, Gentlemen, the Lexicon Pheno-mena is great. Do not undersell it and aboveall do not expose it.It is the duty of every mentalist to en-tertain his audiences with baffling feats ofdeep mystery and the Lexicon Phenomena is agood start.Best WishMany thanks, for their well wishes,advice and assistance in perfectingthe Lexicon Phenomena, tOI RalphS. Athey, Larry Becker, Art Emerson,Karl Fulves, Mario Graziosi, BobbyHuges and John Smetana and all thesubscribers to the AME series for their kind comments.nts. l/l/ktmns, r/t/klbkj/tf/kfF'~,~),~.»:...A"•.J"', ..•·.....>.• '.>:oDOWn-~-;f~1Tel. (201) 43102429POST OFFiCE BOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728THE NEW LEXICON PHENOMENACOPYRIGHT by Al Mann ExclusivesCompliments and congratulations are in order forthe buyer of this effect in his excellent choice of mate-rial. You have just bought a potent secret. A bafflingbrain buster. PLEASE KEEP IT A SECRET****You have received an ungimmicked dictionary, a bookof power words titled "Enrich Your Word Power" and thisbook of instructions. Only the new buyer will know the se-cret, because only the owner will have the key to the mys-tery, which is the prompter list with the code numbers!The dictionary and the book of power words are uselesswithout the 'key.'THE EFFECT, One, two or three spectators are askedto secretly choose words from a book that contains thousandsof words. They may take the book into another room, or intoanother city to choose their words. They need not write orrepeat the words to anyonelImmediately the mentalist divines one of the words,without anything being said by the spectators. The performerinstructs the other two spectators to look up the meaningof the other two words in a dictionary in order to assistthe performer is this most difficult test. The mentalistdivines the words although nothing has been written or saidand the performer has never approached the spectators. Thementalist has cautioned the spectators to keep a good dis-tance away from himl all during the test.Gentlemen, this is the strongest book test extant.The dictionary is totally ungimmicked and is not a speciallyprinted dictionary. It is an ordinary dictionary that can bebought in stationery stores. As will be seen later, any otherdictionary can be used in conjunction with the LP dictionarywhich means that the host or hostess can furnish their owndictionary to be used in the test.THE SECRET OF SECRETS, Since nothing has been writtenor said, the mentalist has no way of telling what words havebeen secretly chosen BUT amazingly enough, the spectatorsthemselves tell the mentalist what their choice was by un-knowingly coding the words to the mentalist by a 'body lan-guage' that only the mentalist can interpret!The performer therefor, must be in a position from2THE LEXICON PHENOMENAAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEwhere he can see what the spectator is doing as he looks upthe meaning of the word in the dictionary. Much depends onthe performer's eye sight. 10 feet is a good distance to beaway from the spectators but 30 feet or more is also possi-ble.In order to understand the method we must first getacquainted with the secret prompter list and its code num-bers that only the performer knows about and your audiencewill never see as this list is hidden on your person.Fig. 1 shows a small section of the prompter list.code numbers./'l23432344list number~135. divot, rattler, vainglory136. dory, razz, valetFig. 1The four-digit code numbers in your prompter listare the important ones. Code number~343willtell you thatthe spectators have secretly chosen the three words on linenumber 135 in the "Enrich Your Word Power" booklet.The first person chose the word "divot" the secondperson chose "rattler" and the third person chose "vainglory."Only the first two spectators need~ookup theirchosen words as once the performer knows the correct firsttwo words he will also know the third word!The 'list' numbers that appear in the booklet are of novalue to the mentalist and must be ignored in the presentationas the lines of words are repeated under different list numbers.Each numbered line in the booklet has three or morewords to it. Some lines have 4 words. In the presentation,the number of words per line is never mentioned. The specta-tors are instructed to think of the line and all the wordson it only.THE CODE NUMBERS: The first digit of the code numberis all important. In Fig. 1, the first digit is a "2."·The first spectator codes this first digit to the per-former (without' knowing it, of course) as soon as he opens thedictionary to look up his word. In this case the performernotices that the spectator has opened the dictionary to sec-tion "2" (as will be explained shortly) and therefor the per-former knows that the three words will appear in section "2"of the prompter list and immediately removes that section ofthe list from his pocket in the act of taking out a small wri-ting pad to make notes.A TRIAL RUN: Let's take a case in sample. We will usethree spectators and designate them as No.1, 2 and 3. They havesecretly chosen a line in the booklet and we do not know atthis time what line they have chosen.3THE LEXICON PHENOMENAA TRIAL RUN. cont.AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEPerformer informs spectator No.3that he already knowsthe word he chose as it came to him in a flash and that he willshortly tell him so please dismiss it out of his mind.When spectator No. 1 is told to look up his word in thedictionary he will open up the book to one of the five sectionsas shown in the diagrams in Fig. 2.Section1,The bulk of thepages of the dictionary areto your left with only afew pages to the right (12or less). The spectator islooking up his word in thefirst section of the dic-tionary. The diagrams areas seen by the performer.Section21About3/4ofthe pages are to the leftand 1/4 to the right.I.fi22.Section31The pages areequally divided left andright at about the centerof the book.Section4, 3/4of the pa-ges are to the right and1/4 to the left.Section5.This is the op-posite of Section 1, withthe bulk of the pages to theright and just a few pagesto the left. Here the firstword is in the last sectionof the dictionary.There is no way to mistakethe various sections of thedictionary. They are veryeasy to spot as will be seenin actual practice.All the words inhave been chosenfive sections oftionary, and can not be found in any other parts exceptsections as indicated in Fig. 2.Fig. 2the bookletfrom thethe LP dic-in these [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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