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//-->POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD. NEW JERSEY 07728THE SIBYLLINE MESSAGESFOREWORDThe ability to read sealed messages is anawesome display of unknown forces.A demonstration of this ability appealsmightily to any audience.For centuries, psychics and mentalistshave spent much thought in pursuit for the per-fect presentation of this one faculty.The one-ahead system, the slit bottom, windowand transparent envelopes have practicallyfulfilled this wish. But the search never ceases.Dunninger had a near perfect method thatappeared in the 'Phoenix' No.33,page133,called"The Sealed Mystery.""The Sibylline Messages" has eliminated mostof the weak points of the other methods so thatit appear-s that the mentalist collects the envelopesand divines the hidden messages while they are stillsealed, without any unnecessary movements of thehands. The mentalist simply holds the envelopes inhis hands and displays them. This gives the impres-sion to the audience that the demonstration ispure 'mental.'l/tf/kk(n ) t/tr/jf1THE SIBYLLINE MESSAGESAn Al Mann ExclusiveThe ancient Egyptian rite of the reading of sealedmessages is here detailed in it's finest dress.THE EFFECT, White cards are passed out to the specta-tors to write their questions, or messages on, The performerthen passes out envelopes to each spectator. The spectatorssealtheir cards in the envelopes and then sign their fullnames on both sides of the envelopes, for identification.The performer then collects the envelopes in hisotherwise empty hands, holds up one envelope, a.ny one, callsout the name on it, answers the question then opens the en-velope and takes out the card to see how close he came todivining the question, or he may give the spectator a hand-writing-analysis. The envelope and the card are then returnedto the writer!The same is repeated with everyone of the the enve-lopes until all are answered.The spectators write their questions secretly and onany surface, which discards the impression methods. The enve-lopes are opaque and they are signed on the outside on bothsides which eliminates the transparency method. There are nofunny moves or switch of envelopes or cards or one-ahead sys-tems used. Everything is done openly with natural moves. Theperformer may work with three, four or more envelopes butotherwise his hands are empty. The same envelope that is heldup is the one that is answered!Those are the unbelievable conditionsITHE SECRET is in the envelopes. Each envelope that isgiven out to each spectator is a specially gimmicked envelope!This type of envelope is gimmicked in a most devilishfashion so that it is safe to hand it out to any spectator sothat they can seal the question cards themselves. YET afterthe envelopes are collected, each envelope will deliver it'scontents into the hand of the mentalist almost automaticallyand without any suspicious moves. The very act of pulling upan envelope from a fan-of-envelopes disgorges the messagecard inside the envelope and the card stays behind the otherenvelopes held in the performer's hand,Just as amazing is the fact that the envelope can begiven back to the spectator to keep, although that is not ne-cessary, it does look good from a number of angles. Chancesare that nothing is found to be amiss by the spectator and thewhole act is most uncannyl2THE SIBYLLINE MESSAGEScontiTHE PREPARATIONCONSTRUCTING THE SIBYLLINE ENVELOPES. Get a box ofwhite coin envelopes size 2! by4tinches. These are stockedby a number of Envelope Companies and come in several gradesof material. Heavy white paper envelopes are desired. As thisis not a transparency method, the envelopes should be definite-ly opaque, BUT they must be white or of the same color as thecards used. This minimizes exposing a card accidentally.The act should be presented as a special test or onspecial occassions only and in combination with other methodsand effects so at least four envelopes should be prepared.It will take three envelopes to gimmick one.Designate the envelopes, "A", "B" and "C."1. From envelope "A" Fig. 1, cut off 3/16 inch from thebottom making this envelope 'bottomless.'All cuts should be made in a paper cutterif possible as the cuts should be straightand square and accurate.2. From envelope "B" cut off 1/8 inch acrossJthe top to remove the top flap entirely.Then pull down the bottom flap, unglue-Aing it to open it. The correct way to dothis is to place the envelope flat onthe table seam-side down so that thebottom flap is under the envelope. Thencut?r.lift the top of the envelope enough toplace the finger tips of one hand betweenthe flap and the envelope and hold dOWllFig. 1the flap while pulling up on the envelope.This way the flap will not tear.Fig. 2 shows the "B" envelope withthe bottom flap already opened.Next cut off 1/8 inch from the sidesof the envelope as shown by thedash lines, Fig. 2, BUT leave thecut7--IIbottom flap intact.IIThe end result is the face of theenvelope with the bottom flap attachedas shown in Fig.3.we will refer to what is left ofenvelope "B" as "part B."IIBIIIIIIcutl.:1Icut~Fig. 2JTHE SIBYLLINE MESSAGESTHE PREPARATION •.........CONTIAN At MANN EXCLUSIVEJ.Fold down1/4inch from the top of part"B" to form a wing as shown in Fig.4.1/2inch from the top edge leaving thetop flap intact. Cut away the seam sidealso of the top half-inch piece leavingonly the flap with1/2inch materialattached as shown in Fig,6.The restof envelope "C" is discarded.4.From envelope "C" cut across the toptinchfold-~BTO ASSEMBLE. Insert "partB"Fig.4,throughthe bottom slit of envelope "A" Fig.1,andfix the bottom flap of partBover the flapof envelope "A" with tiny spots of magician'swax. Tiny specs of glue may be used also putthe reader must experiment to know just howmuch glue to place so that it will not hin-der the openning of the flap during the pre-sentation.Only two spots of wax or glue areneeded. This is indicated by the "x" marksand dots in Fig.4.NOTE; The fold made in Fig.4is towardsthe same side as the bottom flap.Next insert "part C" through thetop openning of envelope "A" making surethat the1/2inch panel of part C goes overthe folded wing of part B to hide it.Next cement the two top flapstogether so that they will appear as asingl~flap. It may be necessary to trim a bit if thereis any overlap.The Sibylline envelope is now completeand it looks totally unprepared and has a newbottom. It can be passed out to the spectatorsfor the sealing of their questions.Fig.JPart "B"'---.,Bx--••-xFig.4r1cut+.-!inchC----Fig,5Care must be taken that no attentionbe directed to the envelopes. They should:part "C"receive no importance other than what theyFig.6are supposed to be, simply an envelope forhiding the questions. There is no need to callto anyone to inspect the envelopes. The spectatorsfeel that they have actually 'passed' on the envelopessince they held them in their hands and could have looked[-)
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