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//-->POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728./VIteoracL1LClJelplti4eAn AL MANN CREATIONlCOpyn~~;)by AlMannExclusivesEFFECT. Any person writes secretly a question of his or herchoice. The psychic who stands across the room from the person,answers the question!Uncanny proof of the power of the mind!THE METHOD. The sitter is given a booklet, "The DelphianOracle," which contains many questions under six headings.Love, Family, Finance, Health, Legal and Travel.The psychic details the separate articles or chapters bysaying, "For Example, under the title of Love, you will findquestions on marriage, divorce and lovers, etc. Under the 'Legal'title, you will find questions on crime, punishment, court cases,wills and lawyers. So choose the title that you desire and pickthe questions of your liking BUT do not tell me your choice.""What title would you like?"Once the psychic knows the title, the rest is easy.By the prompter sheets, which are of course hidden from thesitter, you can tell that each question is coded in long andshort words to fit a Morse-type code of dots and dashes.After the sitter chooses a question, tell him to concentrateon the first word of the question and then to write it down. Youcan tell by watching whether the sitter wrote a long or a shortword.If a short word is written, the. psychic writes a 'dot' on hispad secretly, in the pretence of writing notes. If a long wordis detected, the psychic writes a 'dash.'Sitter is then told to write the second word of his question,etc. After four words are written, the psychic will have a codeof four charactoers in dots and dashes.Say for example that the following code has been detected._ •• _, and that the sitter had chosen the title "Love."By consulting the prompter list the psychic will know thatthe question, "Shall I be lucky in love?" is the chosen one.2THE DELPHIAN ORACLEAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVENOTEI The numbers in the prompter list, 1 to6,designatethe chapters thuslyl1. Love, 2. Family,J.Finance,4.He~th,5.Legal and6.Travel.Short words have only four letters or less. Long words havefive letters or more.You will find it quite easy to detect whether a short orlong word has been written. But if in doubt, say, "I see onlyfour letters in that word. Are there more?"NOTE III The use of short and long words to code a messagewasfi~tintroduced in March of 1980 through an AME release.The idea however had been on file since 1961 when an attempt wasmade to incorporate the secret into the plans for Codex-X, butwithout success. Codex-X stands on its own merits.The secret is very potent, so do not undersell it. A few wellpaid professional Mentalists who are AME subscribers are usingthese ideas with profound effect. The system can be applied toalmost any book. One East Coast Mentalist uses the code to readminds over the telephone!Through trial and error, it was discovered that the easiestmethod for getting the cues from the spectator is to have himwrite out the words with pencil and paper while the Mentalistwatches from the distance, across the room.With a little practice and the use of dramatics, the~entalistcan pretned to just read the mind, with out the spectator writ-ing anything down. He can just pretend to write out the wordswith the tip of his finger on his palm! or he can close his eyesand just spell the word in his mind!For most demonstrations it suffices to just tell the personto write out the words. The test is most profound either way.The test is presented as a •convincer! • Say that you do privatereadings and that a person comes to you in your office. You cansay, " I can tell straight away that you are a very progressiveperson. You are a doer. You are not satisfied with staying homeand letting things take their own course. You actually go outand make things happen. That is one reason you have come to me.And I believe that there is a fabulous rapport between our mindsas we think alike. I want to try a test with you that involvescooperation between our minds. Please pick a question of yourliking from this booklet .....etc."f. l/ns/fmTHE DELPHIAN ORACLEPROMPTER LIST1. Love, 2. Family,•ANAL MANN EXCLUSIVE(f)5.Legal,6.Travel .J.Finance, 4.Health,• • • 1.AmI to be successful in marriage?2.Will my son go to college?I4. Will5.AmI6.WillJ.Amto be successful in business?I live to a great old age?to be involved in a law suit?I be a world traveller?• • , .1.Are we to make up again?2. How long will father live?J.Will I be promoted soon?4. Will I be operated?5.Will I be awarded the money for damages?6.Will I get immigration papers?. ,• • 1Will my beloved be true to me?Will my dauther go to college?J.Will I receive all the money soon?4. AmI pregnant or do I imagine it?S.Is~ylovedo~eguilty?2:-,';:'1: I:-,,:,s:'jeLr, 2.fo r eigr:c ourrtr-y?••••...---....'.~.A_.~.:::h:':l:::-..:_:_:~.~:a~~e~ ~2~ei :.~=~~. : . .5':":-.~33--------..:::';:~:·le-:sen~2.~ce-,'jilltone?r-aveL-::Je bad for iny marriage?alO~5:e~~:::• • • •1. Shall I be a happy bride? of groom?2. Should we buy a new home?J.Should I try for a better job?4. Should I get a second opinion from another doctor?5.Should I try for an appeal?6.Should I go to Europe this year?. ,• •1. Will my beloved remain trueinmy absence?2. Will I attend college?J.Will my business letter receive a favorable reply?4. Will my brother recover? (sister, father or mother)5.Will I receive money in the will?6.Will I travel abroad much?• • • •1. Will marriage be compatible to my personality?2. Will family be happy in the new home?J.Is investing in property recommended at this time?4. Is there life beyond the grave?5.Who stole my wallet?6.Is traveling a benefit to my child?• • • • 1.Shall I be lucky in love?2. Shouldn't we be living in a bigger house?J.Shall I be successful in my pursuit?4.Shall I be healthy in myoId age?5.Should I pay lawyer now?6.Should I go vacationing with my lover?The DELPHIAN ORACLEPROMPTER LIST(2)AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE• • • •1. Is living together a sin?2. Will happiness prevail in our new neighborhood?J.Is money coming my way?4.Do married couples live longer?5.Is defendant guilty as charged?6.Will traveling broaden my child's mind?• • • • 1.Should I divorce him? (or her?)2. Should we vacation in Europe?J.Should I change my job now?4.Should my children be told about my health?5.Should I appear in court as a witness?6.Should I contract a job overseas?• • • •1. Shall conditions at the present change for the better?2. Shall custody of my children be awarded to me?J.Should expansion in my business be attempted at this time?4.What's troubling my old father? (brothe4,sister, mother)5.Should custody of my child be challenged?6.Mountain climbing is the rage these days, Should I try it?• • • •1. Is connubial happiness posible?2. Are children happy living with me?J.Is court action necessary in my case?4.Is father receiving correct medical attention?5.Will district attorney prove his case?6.Is travel insurance recommended?• • • •1. Should I contract matrimony? And how soon?2. Should I Start divorce suit?J.Should I contract lawyers for my case?4.Should I change occupation for my health?5.Should my lawyer postpone the trial?6.Should I purchase property abroad?• • • •1. Whomever should I marry?2. Should family be advised of pending divroce? (or death?)J.Should property be placed for sale?4.Should father be hospitalized? (mother, brother, sister)5.Should plea-bargaining be considered?6.Should business be started in a foreign country?_ . .1. Please foretell correctly my future love life and lovers.2. Should family interfere in daughter's wedding?J.Should~esentmortgage be refinanced?4.Should health insurance be increased?5.Should defense attorney be fired?6.Please advise exactly my lucky travelling days .• • • • 1.Please state correctly whatever the stars foretell for me.2. Should family continue living in the same house?J.Shouldn't present profits increase soon?4.Should retirement benefits suffice for my old age?5.Should defendant plead guilty?6.Should present travelling schedule be changed?Sf/EE-tThe DELPHIAN ORACLETHE DELPHIAN ORACLEPROMPTER LISTAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEPROMPTER LIST(2)(J[)1. Love, 2. Family,J.Finance, 4. Health,5.Legal, 6. Travel.•• • •2.Will my son go to college?1.• • • • :1.Is living together a sin?Am I to be successful in marriage?to be successful in business?I live to a great old age?to be involved in a law suit?I be a world traveller?z:5.••• _Am IWillAm I6.Will2. Will happiness prevail in our new neighborhood?J.Is money coming my way?4. Do married couples live longer?5.Is defendant guilty as charged?6.Will traveling broadenmychild's mind?2.ShouldShouldShould5.Should6.Should• • • • 1.Should I divorce him?(or her?)1. Are we to make up again?2. How long will father live?J.Will I be promoted soon?4.Will I be operated?5.Will I be awarded the money for damages?6.Will I get immigration papers?z:we vacation in Europe?I changemyjob now?mychildren be told aboutmyhealth?I appear in court as a witness?I contract a job overseas?• • • •1.Shall conditions at the present change for the better?• • • • 1.Willmybeloved be true to me?2. Willmydauther go to college?J.Will I receive all the money soon?4. Am I pregnant or do I imagine it?5.Ismyloved one guilty?6.Will I reside in a foreign country?2. Shall custody ofmychildren be awarded to me?Should expansion in my business be attempted at this time?4. What's troublingmyold father? (brothe.,sister, mother)5.Should custody of my child be challenged?6.Mountain climbing is the rage these days, Should I try it?J.• • • •1. Will marriage be a hindrance to my career?2. Will quarrels in the family ever stop?J.Will conditions inmybusiness improve?4. Did father make a will?5.Will sentance be a long one?6. Will travel be bad formymarriage?•• • •1. Shall I be a happy bride? of groom?2. Should we buy a new home?J.Should I try for a better job?4. Should I get a second opinion from another doctor?5.Should I try for an appeal?6. Should I go to Europe this year?• • 1.Willmybeloved remain true 1n my absence?• • • •1. Is connubial happiness posible?2. Are children happy living with me?J.Is court action necessary inmycase?4. Is father receiving correct medical attention?5.Will district attorney prove his case?6. Is travel insurance recommended?• • • •1. Should I contract matrimony? And how soon?2. Should I Start divorce suit?J.Should I contract lawyers formycase?4. Should I change occupation for my health?5.Shouldmylawyer postpone the trial?6. Should I purchase property abroad?• • • •1. Whomever should I marry?2. Should family be advised of pending divroce? (or death?)J.Should property be placed for sale?4. Should father be hospitalized? (mother, brother, sister)5.Should plea-bargaining be considered?6. Should business be started in a foreign country?. . . .1. Please foretell correctlymyfuture love life and lovers.2. Should family interfere in daughter'S wedding?J.Should present mortgage be refinanced?4. Should health insurance be increased?5.Should defense attorney be fired?6. Please advise exactly my lucky travelling days.• • • •1.2.J.4.Please state correctly whatever the stars foretell for me.Should family continue living in the same house?Shouldn't present profits increase soon?Should retirement benefits suffice for myoId age?5.Should defendant plead guilty?6. Should present travelling schedule be changed?"2. WillJ.Will4. Will5.Will6. WillI attend college?my business letter receive a favorable reply?mybrother recover? (sister, father or mother)I receive money in the will?I travel abroad much?.........1. Will marriage be compatible to my personality?2. Will family be happy in the new home?J.Is investing in property recommended at this time?4. Is there life beyond the grave?5.Who stolemywallet?6. Is traveling a benefit tomychild?•• • •1.Shall I be lucky in love?2. Shouldn't we be living in a bigger house?J.Shall I be successful inmypursuit?4. Shall I be healthy in my old age?5.Should I pay lawyer now?6. Should I go vacationing withmylover? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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