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//-->THEAME ESTATE ATJl:IV.E1t RIDGE,N.VA.Tel. 304-947·7730P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 25422AnALMANNULTRA"EXCLUSIVEReleaseIt1 __The astonishing secrets of Psychic metal bending as performedby Steve Shaw and Richard Osterlind. Most of the secrets appearin print for the first time.THE TEST OF THE TINE. MATTER INby Steve Shaw. Plus THE SPOONORBIT. THE BENDS, and MELT DOWNBEND and THE REMOTE PSYCHIC POWER by Richard Osterlind.Plus THE PSYCHIC TOUCH by Al Mann.Plus the account of JamescalledProjectAlphawhichparapsychologists.Randi,s psychic sting operationworldoftheshooktheTHE "HE ESTATE ATRIVER RIDGE, N.VA.Tel. 304-947-7730P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 25422AnALMANNULTRA EXCLUSIVERelease#_2_.Copyright 1995 byAl Mann ExclusivesWINTER OF 1994.No one in Appalachia remembers such asevere winter.Snow startedfalling in early January andcontinued in waves until mid March.New snow fell atop old snow.The old snow turned to ice and the emergency wards of thehospitals were full with cases of broken ankles, hips and injuredbacks.Residents of my community were imprisoned for a whole weekunable to leave or even walk around the house due to the high snowdrifts and icy grounds. One of these days was January 20th, my70th birthday. I had plans for a tuxedo dinner but had to cancel.But life must go on and through the gloom a ray of lightoften shines through.That ray of light came as an unexpectedphone call from Steve Shaw of Houston, Texas.I had never spoken to Steve before.I did see him at one ofthe conventionswhere itwas rumored thathe was one ofRandi's Alpha gang that had pulled off a psychic sting by usingtrickery to pretend true phenomena.Steve introduced himself and then asked if I could considerwriting a book on metal bending and the Alpha Project, formagicians only.This episode should be told in book form. Sofar only magazine articles existed telling the story and wouldsoon be forgotten.So you don't believe in true psychic phenomena.thinking of approaching Steve about the same thing!fly over unlimited distances!I had beenThoughts doI was flattered.Steve was one of the big league of metalbenders. He had dazzled audiences allover the world with hisspoon and metal bending. He knew all the secrets of the art plusmany of his own invention.Yes! Of course I would write a bookon it.It would be my pleasure.Another big-league metal-bender that called was RichardOsterlind, my life-long friend.Richard knows secrets of metalbending that are not known by others.He also voiced the opinionthat a book should be written on the art of metal bending.Steve said he would mail to me everything so far in printabout Project Alphaand later we could get together and takephotos of the inner most secrets of metal bending to be includedin the book.February 28th, 1994.A phone call came from the roadmaintenance official of River Ridge, the community where I live inthe mountain state."Stay home today." He said."The roads aretreacherous.We have been pulling cars out of ditches allmorning."BUT nothing could stop me from going to the postoffice to pick up the mail and the package from Steve.I plowedmy car into the snow and sure enough, got stuck in my own driveway. One hour of shoveling freed my car and finally got it to theicy roads inside River Ridge.Another half hour of wheelspinning and sliding got the car to the outside state highway.The highway was already plowed and salted but still only 15 milesper hour or less could be made in progress.The package fromtime to digest.Steve was a heavy one thatwould take someSTEVE SHAW:Steve Shaw istodayoneofthegiantsofmetal-bending.He has refined theart into theperfectillusion.Audiences are convinced that Stevebends metal by some unknown power.Both the layaudiences and thepsychicinvestigatorsseethespoons, forks, spikes and keys bend,twist and break before their veryeyes apparently without any physicalhelp.one demonstration duringtheAlphaProjectinMcLaboneinvestigator witnessing Steve's art ofbending spoons and forks, remarked, "Thisis the real thing.I wish James Randiwas here to see this."In fact Randiwas close bydisguised as a yippy,InSTEVE SHAW2complete withhat, etc.buck teeth,long hair,baggy pants, droopingSteve is at hisgreatest when he demonstrates remotephenomena by having members of the audience hold spoons and keysthat bend, break and fall to pieces while Steve is far away.Steve Shaw was born in England on 11/30/60.His father wasAmerican and his mother English. They later moved to South Africaand then to the USA.Steve attended school in all threecountries.Steve Shaw was seduced by Lady Magia while reading a bookabout Uri Geller written by James Randi. Steve felt that hecould duplicateanything that Uridid plus hehad somerevolutionary ideas of his own.Martin Gardner stated in hiscolumn in the Skeptical Equirer that Steve was a better metalbender than Uri Geller for he had ways to visibly bend a forkthat far surpassed any of Uri's techniques.The one paramount difference between Steve and Uri is thatUri claims his magic is performed by the power of his mind whileSteve claims he can duplicate. the same effects by the art of theconj ur or.The Project Alpha Experiment:Part 1. The First Two YearsWhat would happen if two youngconjurors posingaspsychics wereintroduced intoawell-funded universityparapsychology laboratory?James RandiIn 1979, James McDonnell, chairmanof the board of the McDonnell DouglasCorporation,donated halfa milliondollars to Washington University, in St.Louisforthesolepurposeofinvestigating psychicphenomena.Mr.McDonnell had a life long interest inthe paranormal.It is said that he wasprimarily interested incommunicatingwith the dead!He wanted to talk todead test pilots and asked them what wentwrong. That was not asking too much.After all communicating with the dead iswell documented. The dying speak to theJAMES MCDONNELL3dead. -- - The great Nazarene spoke to the dead(Matt. 17:1-9;Mark 9: 2-9) and then ordered the witnesses to keep it quiet forthe deed is incredible.The half million dollars would support the McDonnell project(called McLab for short)for five years.It would surviveanother year by an additional grant of $150,000.Donating mega-bucks for psychical research has been done manytimes in the past and will be done again many times in the future.The donators are not foolish or naive.In fact they are veryintelligent, aggresive and dynamic individuals who are in thehabit of getting things done.They are only doing what comesnatural for mortal man.Man has inherited from his dim past a sense of wonder and anunsatiable thirst for knowledge that forces him to forever reachfor the unreachable.Man must forever search for a power beyondhis limits and a way to peek into the infinite.McLab,under thedirectionofphysicist Peter R. Phillips, advertisedin newspapers for gifted persons tocome forward and be tested.Manyapplications were received includingthose of two young men, Steve Shaw,19years of age, fromWashington,Pennsylvania and Mike Edwards, 17, fromMarion,Iowa..Both Steve and Mikewereacceptedand Steve andMikesecretly contacted James Randi and thesting operation called Project Alphasprang into being.The fact thatSteve and Mike were magicians was keptsecret.Most amazing, forProjectAlpha was to last years with hundredsof laboratory experiments some withPETER R. PHILLIPSnegative results and some positive.As usual, the negativeresults areforgotten while the positive results becomeexalted and taken as miracle.Other applicants were also acceptedbut it was Steve and Mike who created asensation with the investigators.Mikeplaced a key in the hands of Phillips whichbent!It was said that of all the peopletested by the laboratory, Steve and Mikewere the only ones considered to be genuinecases with psychic ability."These two kids are the most reliableof the people that we've studied." saidPeter R. Phillips.RANDI4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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