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//-->~l M~NN F~=~-------------_--.._..-_---.CeasefireI.,ShatteredI,In Beirut.. __POST OFFICE BOX 144/•.......~~_.;..~._.-..._,.'.-...._~------...""J.By EDWARD CODY!~.-...,tII1II#;.t;,BEIRUT (AP) - :Moslemstreet fighters pushed back :ChrIstiangunmenringing!Beirut's downtown hotelsto--day infiercecombat that. shatteredan announced gov•;, ,.'~l>;'Ii..~.'ing Palestiniangueofficial whosetroops supportedtheLeba-nese Moslems' attack saIdOhrlstiansfromthe-right-wing Falang1stPartymilitiailild"sUJffereda militaryde-feat."BassamAbuSharit of thePopular Front for the Liber-ationotPalestinemade theclaim after Moslems- andguerrillas overran the Fat-angtsts'last forwardoutpostand moved Into the shadowof the 25-story HolidayInn,witnessessaid.'We'llMoveAhead'YouthsIngreenfatigues,armedwithSoviet·madeAK~47assault rifles and backedby.M-caHOOr machine guns,poured through the Qantarldistrict toward the5OO-roomhotel,already scarredbyent ceaseflre.'f,,.~bullets, rocket hits and fire."Tonightwe'll mve,ahead,"aMoslemgUJUllQIIlboastedtoan APphotog-raphE!" followingtheir ad-vance. "Thiswas just a...pr<>be."(201) 431-2429POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728SUPER CLIP LINE PLUSFOREWORDTelepathy, to many is already a proven raot.The display of thought reading onlyoonri~san al-ready existing belief.Predict the course of ruture events and you arepresenting the proof or miraole.~~Super Clip Line effect appears unoanny tothe lny audience. .dationality cannot aocount for itunless psychic phenomena is accepted.Theoperator will discover that he will getmore effect out of Super Clip Line than out or moreexpensive and sophistioated psychic tests.Super Clip Line should be presented in a se-rious vein.Apparently only the surface has been scratched.The readers will no doubt came up with other variations.Under the proper milieu, the spectators may even beallowed to snip off some lines but care must be takenthat tilis does not s l ow up the tempo or the effect.Care must also be taken to avoid diminishing theoriGinal intent of the author, which is that the opera-tor must pretend to know it all, the first line and thelast line or both final pieces of newsprint.To avoid piracy of this conception, the idea wasrushed to the printers. That is why some of the pagesappear a bit untidy.TlB Clip Line effect is not new.Theerfect hasbeen around for years. Only the combination of ideas andthe presentation angles are original with the author.Best Wishes,llklmaslIm/kg bookVJ~By NEIL LEWISInits finalact before adjourningforthe summer,the Assembly debated ;,\1,1l:'ngth and passed a controversial , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -measure yesterday to atIow. doctOl:S, nurses and hospitalstgrefuse.to performabortions withoutp e n a l t y . ,·JaqlU<ll-d<lS UI S<lU<lAUOJ<lJ AlqIU<lSSy <It:(lU<ll{M lllP <ll{l 10 J<lpJO lSJIJ al{l aq0lpasoS! 'UOnll! ssy IlluoH-IlJnp::3:<If M<lNlpua01:::>-'lJ:Y <l lsdnoJ.3oqs] qonshq P<lJIIl!Allal{ l!q <ll{.L·u<llU<la!l0d[ pua SHsaholdlU<lIJ!lqnd.Ioqlll 10IlUil,S,{Sar0l nrqIISliMIS!2<l1 <It:(l~UOlUYmq allluasJ<lAaS aloAoi pasnjazA'llp.IalSaAasnoqJaMol<It:(1 'smq AlqlU<lSSY uo .lluqJllU! hll{ap allluas p a2 allll l"ll Ja.ll-us10 u0!lllJlSUOlUap 1l U! 'osIY·Sjlll!dsoq sno!.ll!laJ °[uo.{{di-dssucH qllturojzedasnjar°l ll{.:lpa}[lllU 01 ru upuaurcUll palllAlqlUassal{.LaUOh.Ia lsu11l21lpuaSJ!l0.10.J.u"·mquOH.loqu!lItt.Lprasat:(ual{M pa<lH!1°l{lll:::>1°uap11 !" J!l0l{lu:::>- ou U a}[t[llol.J at:( "S (ua.llJilg-a)ouojs- p IIIDpaqJaH uUlUhlqlU<lssypalllajaa 1uawpuawyMedicos6ivenRigbt to RefuseToDo AbortionsSUPE~A~cl,pL,~E./IAL/V1AN~e'I-cl:t.JSIV(TurksWI-denCyprus HoldrdUNForcetoMoueer••DI.patch 01 The"I:w;j~.",?"!9._'I,,·lUal{l U! aludp!plldI0l paJJ0.JC!'--01 pill{ .\WohJaAaAllS 1,Up!P1 nq '{ll.llaloraroqsep s ur 1.1awaJdnal{.L"·aq 011,UOp n.'suoH-JOqll l{1!U! aq l lUllMl,uop nOAlsnrI·hpOq-hUllasureJJSa.usaopmq S!l{i"'(xasaIP-P!W-Q)u.l{.L UlllU-Alqwassy.I A.I.3UllIUll ll{.3noJ1°ItY,,·a.Ial{MaS(asuouzoqa.I!<ll{l la,3pusdn J[J!d lsnr"usa.Ia! mllaMal{laoujsaldoad.rood13Ulll.ll"ll"A .I ° 111 U ! w !.IJS!P Allualud;, S!!l!q al{lpres(uospnH-a) SU!J[.IacIW11 ! II!M.ullwAlqwassyUO!lll !W!.J:ls!a saJ.l1lco·aa!A.IaS lU.l0.Jp 01 wal{l1111 °1n aq snl{lOM11tanqndsallulll{l .Ia 0'S11l1luaJ.3 11 puas::3:-SU!J[qssy.1O.J.Iad01pannb.3u!aq WOJ Al!l! aularsol{lillill{ .10uosradAUll l!q!l[i;o.Id Plnoh\.'EI-J>9passed l{J!l{M.IJl!q "aJua!JsuoJ" _paltllJ-Os al{.L-zad01;iIllUOnnl!lspuu suoll-!Ipu.J sn-!ds0l{ "lUAIPnol p-MllH a.3t11lWi-'l"!Iontinued to ex-!of control east-ward from th beachhead heretoday andered the UnitedNations peac keeping force tOleave the K enia area, whereit has bee protecting GreekjCypriotesoff behind Turk-ish lines.The coander of the UnitedNations fo ce, Gen. Prem Chandof India. informed Turkish Cyp-riote authorities who havetaken over administration ofthe Kyrenia area thatt-ter would beUnit-ed N'eadquarters inINork.Meanwh • Turkish forcesIexpanded st about six milesIfrom Kyr ia. This morning theTurks sw t past the village ofAyiosEtitosand there wasa report at they shelled it.Pectlon by U.N.Theited Nations forcesjhaveen protecting GreekCypriotes who have gathered,1in the Dome Hotel in Kyreniaand in the villa eapais.Greek C 'our other]viithe Kyrenia areal,hav~alsoen receiving Unite(\Nationsp.The T ish order injects a,new ele nt into the Cypruscrisis. T United Nations plansto incits force on the is-land to00 men in the com-ing w. Already, the fate ofNicosia airport, threatened byTurkish forces for more than aweek, depends on a MallUnited Nationf22Il!mi"ingits pelhilElJP.This is th second rift be-tween the U ted Nations andthe Turksce the invasionwas launchon July 20. Last -week Gene Chand ordered analert at thicosia airport andrushed r nforcements there]when the urks appeared to belpreparing an attack aimed acapturing it.ISUpERCLipL)AIEAV\AL!V1AjJf.II:«cLuslV~.This is the nelfS line clipping effect where the spectators canactually read the lines as they are snipped off by the performer!Please refer toungimmicked andthe News and isUPSIDE DOWNa'adsheet1.Two newspaper columns are shown. One ismarked "T" for Times. The other is Marked "N" forgimmicked by having the bottom part of the columnrubber cemented back to the headline, "C".The arrows at "DIIpoint to the vital part of the tHo columns. This isthe sections that will remain after the rest of the columns aresnipped off. This is the section Hhich contain your predictions.Predict the top three Hords of the News column, which is this caseare "The so-called", and the LAS'l' \vOliD01<'THE FEL'::l'l8~NTllliCEof theNews column lfbich is "abortionsII.For the Times column, predict the FIHS'r \;ORD OF THE LA::;T S.;.1{TANCSwhich is "Last", and the last three Hords of the Times column whichare " a capturing it".THE HANDLING: Show the tHO co Lunns separated. The "NewsIIcolumn isheld in the left hand with the first finger partially covering thecemented section line andthe column I'ac Lng the audience. The "Times"column is shoHn with the right hand in like manner. Next place theNews column behind the Times colw;ID and square them in preparationwith a pair of scissors. Snip off the headlines first of bothcolumns at thesa~etime. Inform the spectators that you are goingto cut lines from the top dovID. Ask someone on your right to readoff some of the lines before you cut them off. Next step back a bitand continue cutting lines off. Ask some one to tell you when to stoP.The columnsa'l.vraysface the audience as you cut the lines.Next, turn thecol~sso that they face you as you hold them inyour left hand. The imes column is on toP. Place the Times columnunder the News column. The News column is of course Upside DOHn.So with your left hand point to the person holdin; :·our predictionand tell him that you are not finished yet. During this gestureyou Hill find it easy to turn the colunms over so that the news columnHill be right side up and facin::; the audience. This time startsnippinc; lines from the bottom up and alloH some one to read offsome of the lines. Time your actions so that most of the columns,·Jill be snipped off. You should finish Hi th onlyb'lOpieces ofnewsprint about one or two inches long each. Pass out the Timessection to some one on your right and the News section to someoneon your left and proceed to prove your predictions.byAl~It is a good idea to use a blackboard as an aid in making everythingclear. You could write something like this:NE'viS-TIMESThe so-calledabortionsLasta capturing itFInST HORDS:LASTi-lORDS:Please note that the"N"and the"T"should be marked on Hith ared Grease pencil.An Lru{Marker goes right through the paper andshows on the opposite side which may~ivethe secret away.The letter"N"forNevISis reversible and should alHays be used.Any other letter can be substituted f'or the"T"in case you do nothave a Times Paper in your hometown. The letter"S"f'or Sun isalso reversible.This effect has great possibilities f'or publicity.Best of' luck.ALMann-. -Your cormnents will be welcomed.8lJ11'1'1-fffEEf{(Jl..p,if.J:jJm~P.S. Be sure to pick news columns that also have news lines on therevesed side. This will prevent" a picture f'rom showing upsidedown by accident, for example.
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