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//-->·S.Likely to AskSeaLaw RevisionAL MANN~.xc/MUVMPOST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOL.D, NEW JERSEY 0772B.n::.rtJIT9"I7n~''''mlM:~rti1ft!!Im:ro~''''-~-",,--------------m_ _~_./••.ere: 011mJabt))lM'later. He ..Papendreoul1bunda'. wbentheiImeet.BeIi:b leprlllDtal.-todllcettalb.balittheCOIIl, itwouldbStatell-SovieOIl medlum-IdwouJdbawlverIetnDd(201 ) 431-2429POST OFFiCE BOX'44 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728Si~(!()tf4mleA.,Copyright 1982 byAl Mann ExclusivesFOR~"'WORDTests done with newspapers have a profoundeffect on the audience! Properly presented theyare "killer" effects!It is the power of the printed word, no less.Audiences are enraptured with the sheer illusionof magic when they realize that they have just wit-nessed a miracle. What else can it be? The ma-gician can not change the printed word that theaudience have read also and they can read againand check it and thrill again in doing it and re-telling it.Maurice Fogel, the late world-famous Men-talist, ranked the "Headline Hunter" effect in thesame class (in effectiveness) with a billet testlFogel presented it on national T.V. andhundreds of times and each time with the samestunning brain-busting effect!This treatise only scratches the surfaceon the subject. The possibilities for many moremiracles has no limit.The mentalist should concentrate his cunningand showmanship to only one effect for one show.Properly presented each effect is this manuscriptis a winner.WishingSIX COLUMNS1AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVELAlI: CITYlotnoNREAGANENDS BANONFEDERAL JOBSFORCONTROLLERSI'mid!tll~sioIl'WliltCrilICls.,.MootRlItIoc.,Calli'h., Ctsl ..'.Fig. 1?~&deAn Al Mann creationEFFECTIThe front page of a newspaper is given to anyone tochoose any paragraph and to read it secretly and concentrate onwhat he is reading. Mentalist tells the person what he is reading!METHOD: The dit-dah Morse-type coding is applied to the firstfour words of each paragraph. This coding was first used by yourstruly in 1979 and applied to an effect released in 1980While preparing material for this book, I went to a New YorkCity news-stand looking for a newspaper with plenty of pictureson the front page and also some paragraphs. I found several papersoFor this article I picked The New York Times as shown in Figo 1.Please note that the front page is divided into six columns.We will use only the top half of the front page and only the rightquarter. So in the presentation the performer folds the front pageinto quarters and tells the spectator to pick a paragraph fromthe three columns there (with the picture of Mr. Margiotta).The three columns are shown in Fig. 2.Q2SIX COLUMNSTHE CODEAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE......cont....MOBIL IS SET TO BUY1510TO2510SHARE'OFU.S.STEEL CORP.Step Seen asTactic inBiddingContest With SteelmakertoObtain Marathon Oil_, RO.ERTI.COLI:no.MobIlCorponItloe.lIt)'lIlIIIdIII I". . . - boIltleror I'"Mara/D011~qalnIt ....CllIII'IPOtllI&lIId '"The first four wordsof each column are co-ded in short and longdashes, or dits anddahs. A word is shortif it has five lettersor less. Long if ithas six letters ormore.Here are the codesin order of thereappearanceaLeft columnThe Mobil Corporation,stymied••In an exceptionallyoutspoken•• --Based on the most ••••The possibility ofan•- ••Analysts said thatif•••Center columnJoseph M. Margiotta,the -.-.When the jury announ-ced"0"Of course," he toldoREAGAN ENDS BANON FEDERALJOBSFOR CONTROLLERSBUT BARS RETURN TO POSTSPresidentSaysMoveReflects'Compassion' While CriticsCall It 'Empty Gesture'Right columnPresident Reagan to-day rescinded --.-A Presidential state-ment saidBut the limited natureCritics of the PresidentMr. Reagan said next .- ••The indication was thatI.,llatA"D WI11[IN...lJIIltedStaI.SteoI~..._......... ,..._,lhatltllllelldocllopur.WASHINGTON.Dec.t _P.........cIIue ..bet_Upe.-.I:as ......R......lOday.-llIdedIll.Ihree-yotlr_ .. oI .... II......-.,.nyIIoD·.homllIlFederal ....pIo~for ............._ _ ......-,_........"'lased .Ir lramc ConlrolBuI ....111 ... ucepIImollyllIIIlIpOUIlkepi ....door _onrobIm 111. . . . . UJ.Sleel ..IdMal>ll·.'M10 .........atIbl!IroldJobsor on,........1ftI'" Fed-_ ..." .....110_U.S.SteoIIIIIoreotvIlIo,LI._AYI.I.... Admlrdstra_................cquIoIllonofMa....AP n o _otatemonl ..ldc./D." U.S;SteoI ..Id 1I_ ........,....s.I '•11oDIleIn&IO........spIrt101 ........... _tbeocqulollloD"_ -JU"'" Inror ... 1l,llOO CllIlIroI_Itrv-.10bemilby~III•J', ""'"dIsm_ror .Irtklna UJ.-Ily "".........MobII·• . - IC1Ion:·J:'!J_I•1UlId. . - . _ q_11on01Ilml....not..."ofIh.recl8ton........ U.S. $leel1IOdt.a:as~_ .......11not_ l e d . d...pjloIIII--_111coli~I""Iy"'tIIItrorllwboh.'''''dllll810lion.IIutoJterMal>lll - . "'-I . .llJIIllk-. nl ptll'Ct!III...oI... 1IOdtdlmll.....".,.. IfCO'lIldumlo"""rold .....I'-......... _bellMobIl IIoer\.•_ _ IIIIIII_IonoIF_T_'E:llIpIyGest1mo...lalors_ldpennltlt. Tradl.......IyAItNOLDH.LUIIAKHCrtlk:ll01 ....PnoldenlprompIIJ'...ltlIdyelerdoyInU.S. Stt!llllllO<'"OIl_.. " " ' _ .... , -derldOllIIllply _.... NewVortSlOck Excbo.....UNIONDALE. L.".Dec.• -J...............·IIIks1Il_ H. . _ - - - "M.loII.rllotl••thelIopubllconPortyoverallfederalemplo~.nd ...............-chairman 01 Nu County..........."""'roIlonl..",.,.allylack_llfk:ollonoThepoulbtllty 01"" .....u1CbyI'"no-Y\cIfldloday01 10111...morelhan1011I1_Federaljobo.I....•• No.2 011company'1.lnsll'" bt, $llGO.llOO In Insur.ne" klckbadclI lor bIIIoIIr. ll....n ..ldlost _ . """" ..."eelmakeros • me...ofI\'OItlllJl.1 poIl1lc.IItIppO"......"""Wllh I.boralI'" WI"Marathonbodbeen.xpecled.""rtlcu-WhentheJury.l1IlOUnCfJdII.""nIk:tthai ...mlabt "hisoutfilblI.rlyInview'01Mobll'.reput.llon ••a.t2:011P.M..Mr. Mar,lottehlmc_hllJbonOIllillyfederalempl~rordis-~COIlIpany ..1II1"ll10shouldlm.ndI.,..,redhisbeados II mlooell"""'.....1""'. II .... I'" ...rt01._ Iavenues10.cqulre.ddll1 IInICkby ••udckonblow.HI. wll••D<Jro.compallll'10m_hi.lrayedrelaUOI.oll .............TV. .lbolll ..ysll_.Ihy. pUI.n arm .r<>Wldhi. _kand ..lIhor,anlzedlobor.MolyslS said lbot IIMobnllua:eededwhl'P<'rodInlIisear.Sev.r.101bIITheIndi..I............tbe_1<1 ......Inocqulrina •block01U.5. 5,,,,,1,'unuro.upport.",_.lnlol.........r0\I0fth!lItlItly _ _1rtlI1ft)oIla.siock. II <ou1drooc.lv.blytry1<>"Ofr......"· ... Coldreport.....I...oncl1 .............oul,od.y.ThoI. - U.S. Slt!IlIlo.....pM.ralhon ......1mlnu'""lo'OY.""mIIlIodled01 lbev"r·mod<!11 _ 1 1 .ofleel 01Mr . .'" ...clorlIaown.IOCTha'dlct.Iloel'bo'I'""beenconvIclt'd....pn·.cbsnpInpoaillonlIIiJ11t1••nd ........• Irslollycceedt'd ..rllerlhloy••rlurc._I·v.been.""""""luipolilltel - ' - '.....ra_oILobor.....e:-DomePet""""" till. a Canadl.n 011 I••der. I 1..,llbol I carrlt'd OUI my ... .,...oIlndllllrtoIOr\llllllullOl..uldlt""",pony._ hpuuhema!'>rl,pun.lbllll"",_ I f .I dldn',b""'k_"c"'rIydlaappoltlled:'.1..... In C""""o and Il'I"'d'two'an\'la.....-........,.... _""_v...,_2'J7i'lana-.1<1 """_mil-Gu,"ly ofFiraudr ,naSlrJallPotta"'L'd..I'" _ ..H_.hi,p...,..,I~_r.___..-...10.-_ •~-•••~~••""-=Fig. 2..---..-.-..(The above three columns are onlyan example. Other newspapershave fewer paragraphs and aretherefor simpler to code)Some paragraphs have the same code. For example the first twoparagraphs in the left column and the 3rd paragraph in the rightcolumn. These three are coded the same ( .•--)0Also the 4th para-graph in the left column, the last in the Center and the last 2in the right column are coded the same (.- •• ).JSIx.. COLUMNSTHE CODEAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE• ••••......corrt ,YOUR PROMPT-ER. Your prompter list should look something likethis.LEFT COLUMN. , • •The Mobil Corporation, stymied (in)etc. (this is repeated with the three columns).Also a note is made of the paragraphs that have the same code.This matter is easily resolved simply by making a note of the5th word as in the above example, the 5th word is "in." Howeverit will be noted in performing the test that it is quite easy totell just where the spectator is reading. If you are in doubttell the spectator to pass his finger over the paragraph. You canthen tell in what column it is.Also. if you are in doubt about the length of the word, whetherit is short or long, just say, "That word had six or more letters,I belive." The spectator should then answer 'yes' or 'no.'An Example. You fold the front page of the 'Times' intoquarters, saying that the left side has too many pictures andasking the spectator to please choose any paragraph to his likingfrom the right hand quarter.After he has decided on a paragraph, you notice that he islooking at the right hand column (your left).Tell him to please concentrate on the first word only. Thento please use hid finger tip and write the word on the palm ofhis hand. Or he can be told to write the word on paper with apencil. In any event, you notice that he has written a short word.So you make a dit mark on your pad (.).Next you notice that he has written (or spelled a long wordsilently with his eyes closed) a long word. So now you make a se-cond mark on your pad, a dash (.-). You now have a dot and a dash.He next is told to write the Jrd word and you notice that it isa short word. And also the 4th word appears to be a short word.So now you have your code which is (.- •• ).Since you did not have any trouble noticing that his 2ndword was a long word, and you know that he is looking at the bottomof the right hand column, you can be sure that he is thinking ofthe bottom paragraph on the right column, The indication was, etc!If you are ever in doubt of anyone word, tell the person toplease concentrate on that one word again.You will find it quite easy to tell exactly what paragraphhas been chosen, simply by making leading statements like."The last word is "in," correct?"That is the gist of the "Code." The effect is devastating.Your audience see the day's paper which they have already readand they get a thrill out of seeing you use something that theyare acquainted with and know that it is ungimmickedlTry the method once and you will love it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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