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//-->Tel. 304-947·7730P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 25422;iJJf7ilJ)lJtJJJT27/(J1(JJl/611RPart IIPisces9fCl"UJ-tu cLea.t.Sa€aa1;af::..£"n.ea,s.h-u.b~ed:etive.,qce~to'l1-n..'y-pok:e.z.~alreewi..-en.c:.1A.tarui:cle.ctc:•THE ARE ESTATE ATIttua.IDeE.W.VA.Tel. 304-947-7730Great Cacapon, WV 25422P.O. Box 1557i(J7!J)lj6/tRcopyright (1997) by Al MannexclusivesPieces-Fishes,2/19/20, Restless, littleself-confidence,Fearsfurureandpoverty,stenotraveler,bookkeeper,luckyinJuly,November.mon.,violet,purple.Travel ifpossible, Strengthen willpower.Ihave beentold bymagicians whoshould know,demonstrations and Mentalism should not mix.that PokerI disagree with the above 100%.The Mentalist is playing thepart ofa Manof Marvels,a master-mind,a uniqueperson witharcane powers.His completemastery over the devil'splaythingsis to be expected.I have seen the amazed look inthe eyes of a person when theMentalist reads his mind. Manyhalf-believe in mindreading so thesurpriseis notunexpected."Hereadmy mind!""He toldmeexactlywhatIwasthinking!"Theeventbecomesoneofconfirmation.1MIND YOUR POKERAND Ihave also seenthe terrible lookin the eyesof thespectator afterthe Miracle Man dealsfive aces (4 aces· and thejoker), toany seat at thepoker table, from ashuffled and cutdeck.Thecontrollingoffouracesatthepokertablerepresents to the laymen unti1mate power, tbe Ne Plus Ultra of thehuman experience, anuncanny talentindeed. ,and Megabucks!Many consider the power Satanic andwill stay clear of you in thefuture.I remember the time whena young man (non-magician) came fora visit to my office.He did not know that I practiced magic.Hesat at a large round table where I had a deck of cards.After thegreetings he saw thecards and said."I can doyou a card trickthatonly Scarne,Dunningerand Houdinicoulddo."Ibecameinterested and watched him carefully.He did an amazing job.Hespread the cards face down allover the table.It looked like theentire top of the table wascovered with cards. Then he proceededto do the one-ahead with cards telling me ahead of time what threecards I would choose.I wasamazed by his presentation.In themean time anotheryoung person came in also fora visit.I thenmadethe mistakeof saying."Let me show you somethingwith cards. Let's pretend this isa poker table and there arefive players.Please choose one.ofthe players and I will dealthe winning hand to that seat."Theychose the thirdplayer across the table from me.I then took thedeck andshuffled it andplaced it in frontof them fora cut.They cutthe deckonce andthen Idealt apoker handto fiveplayers and thefive aces fell to the thirdseat.When I lookedup I saw the two young men walking backwards out of my office witha terriblelook on theirfaces.They appeared tobe floating.They neveragain came for avisit. Later one ofthem said. "Youhave thepower todeal awinning pokerhand.Thatis great!"The dealing of the four or five aces to any seat at the pokertable from a shuffled and cut deck, is quite easy(to be detailedlater) and every Magician andMentalist should master the art. Toyouraudience thefeat is devilish and so is any card trick thatshows that you can actually controll the devi1's playthings.Forgetflush forflush,anddealing ofeye and theabout learning todeal aRoyal Flushor astraightthe winning hand. Manylaymen have never seen a royalcouldn't carelessif theyeverdid.BUT thethe five aces froma shuffled and cut deck catches theimagination of the viewer instantly.It creates an awesome atmosphere.Every body knows that thefour and five aces is a winning hand that represents Big Bucks.do notimplyby the above that theMentalist should do astageshow ofPoker demonstrations.For thistreatis, let usconsiderthe pokerdemonstration andthe controlof adeck ofcards andthe aces as aseperate branch of thecardician's art.TheMentalist cando thePoker demonstration when asked,in aparty, restaurant, club gathering, etc.IMIND YOUR POKERcont.Thepokertablefallsvictimtothezynchronicityofcoiincidence,sometimeswithdire consequences.Mistakesandaccidents can happenat the poker table that canland you in thehospital with fourbroken limbs.Beingtoo lucky can be fatal.I sat at a poker table with four other young men one time. ItwasadaywhenIfeltluckyandIstartedwinningsmallinsignificant pots and bets.Aftersome wins, the other players,all strangersto me, startedlooking at me funnyand suspectingthat I must be doing something crooket.Another 5-card-draw poker game was started and I got my usual5 cards, twoof which were Queens! For the draw I discarded threecards(adeadgiveawy that I was holding at the most one pair),anddrewthreecards.The three cardscontainedanother twoQueens!I wasnow holding a handwith four queens,indeed but one that was hard to believe.apowerful handThe chancesof getting fourof a kindin a pokergame arerare. In my lifetime I couldonly expect to getfour-of-a- kind(in a pad hand) 25 times, providing I play poker eight hours a dayevery day of the year for the rest of my life.I playpoker veryfive or ten years.rarely and visitthe Bahamasonce everyTheyoung player across thetable hada goodhand soheraisedthe bet.I called his betand raisedagain.Hethenraised me again, so I pushed all my moneyinto the pot.Needlessto sayI wonBUT what hard and dangerouslooks I gotfrom theother players.Now they were absolutely sure that I was cheating.I had to plead with themand explain."Please fellows, I am justplaying the cards youdeal to me.I got twoqueens in the first5 cards and two more on the draw.Should I have discarded them?"Poker PlayersCoincidence?Luck?Who knows.Experiencedsay that discarding three cards from a one-pair hand is good odds.Pairsof cardssticktogertherfrom apreviousgame andthechances of improving a one-pair hand are very good.Annemann said thesame thing.Annemann said thathe took aSiStebbins stackeddeck andriffleshuffle it once andthenlookedat thecards.Tohis surprisehe noticedthat severalbunches of cardsstuck together in SiStebbins order.Annemanncould stil do a Si Stebbins trick with the shuffled deck.If Ishock me.ever get anotherfour-of-a-kind hand in Pokerit will3MIND YOUR POKERFOUR-OF-A-KINDBY DESIGN.I entereda secondfloor bar salonin Chicagoand noticedthat all the sharpies there took one hard look atme. They becamesure that I was loadedwith mucho-moo1ah.There were about threepoker tables goingplus one empty one.I sat at the empty tableand three more playerscame to join me.BUT theseat to my leftwas avoided.One of the players was bragging that he had lost his house tothe owner's son at the table.Heseemed to be proudof it.Hewas the macho-man who wagered his home at Poker.Ittakes a lotof guts to do that. A crippled brain helps too.At the last minute the owner's son,the seat to my left.a sharpie, came to sit onI knew very little about Poker then.I should have suspectedright then aplot against me.Thechap on my left could do anumber of things unnoticed by me.He could also triple the raiseafter my raise.They were defenite1ysetting me up forthe bigkill. BUT I didbecome wary.The chap to my left was too damnedquit and motionless.gota good handBUT not good enoughto bet my house on.Lucky forme thepot was small.I did callthe raiseand thefellow on my left had to show his hand to collect the small pot.He turned his cards over andhe had four deuces.He won thesmall pot.I quietly and politely left my seat and went home.The plot had failed.While the player to my left was quite1ycollectingdeuces, thedealers weretryingto giveme agoodbetting hand so Icould bet my last penny onit and then clobberme with the four deuces.They failed.Being a total stranger to these tough guys can be a blessing.Incognizance feels most cozy when inbad company and is a form ofdefence.(Ifear not my enemies but my friends, someone wiselysaid.)They do notknow who you are. You could bea killer or adetective in disguise, or maybe you served in the special forces.Sotheyrespect you aslong as youkeep your mouth shut.II know ofseveral other persons who have lost their homes atthe pokertable.One sad casewas the young manfrom a wealthyfamily who's father left himenough money to live comfortably forthree life times.His one admirable talent was spending money. Hecould notspend it fastenough until he discoveredthe gamblingcasinos.There helost everything he had plus allthe money hismotherhadplusseveralacres ofocean-frontpropertyworth4
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