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//-->POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 137728.tA-CoPPec/ion.06epn.ovocativeJAefltaf[)bdectgBABLY!HINKEen(201)431-2429POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLO, NEW JERSEY 01728PORBWOllD"fhek.yto Magic is enerQ.BtlBRGYis magic.file :magician creates a oertainkindot-.agio aroundh1ma,eltusinghis energ.Bewarpsapace and timewithhi.energJ".hewarps people's perceptiODll.Hecan ....eninfluenoe50,000peoplei the's good «nougn -- andithe care. to.""Themagioian simply changes the va7 beingsperceive this energJ to dislooate their energy, tomove them.trom.om planeotillu8ion to another.FraILthis point of' view,magici8 a collective hallucination}but:frca this a-.e point of view, so is all life.n_onThe above is quotedtramthe book,"7.'.beHagicMakers" by David Carrol.Theanon,aoua author of the_alling insight into magic i8 a Jll8.gician.The energy reterred to is not the energy one getstrom. tood and oandy. Here weareconcerned with theenerQof the ether, the pS7cheandthe magnetic perso-nality. The magician creates that ener87byhismagicthought, his dJ1lamic chari8lllaandhi. m.aster,. overla1aart.Beed the adv1.e. The Kentalist must oapture hi.audience in the palm.othia hand and tl'Bn.portthem.into a difterent plane. Into an enohanted world neverbefore .een. Into an enraptured dimensionotthoughtwhere the,. remain tor m.any da,.s atter the ahow.DuOWOBEST WISHES,$!.b/n/kgAllA.LIllD BlCLUSI11I... LIIlKWI'fBBlERl'IIJ.'Y.llfOBJEC!J.I LKS80.II'mB ART OF 1IDDRlW)DG1IIXldlr&7up. .thejoU'l'JlAt7ot .,.111'e.Iround.,-seUwith1:Datorre.t clark - "Dante"!'beaas1eian.vh.caIbad 118....1" . . .betore,allk.d . .totb1n)=otaD"1 -:b.rot.,.t'lIail"1whoha4paa••dawa"1ad.who.8.1dearto ...I thoughtot'.,.late a1mtOa:rm.elita.!bemagi.i_then1;014a.thedre..-7 auntworethela8t1;1JIeIhadseen her.Beto14 •• the 0014)1"otherhairand e7.aand herageandthen.hetold.eherezao'nam.e.I'the.ostair...oulousthing I had .....1"vitne.a.d...w..Ifhat 18 what thelaqa&14. !bat 1s exaotl"1 whatahesaw1nher mind.Thatwuexaot17theett.ct tha't 'the m.ag1c1anwantedto oreat.l'1'h.etoUowing 1. a trueIto17.Tvent,. ,.ears ago, a,.ounsmagic1aD. was entertain1na agroup ot'sp.ctator. at a private part"1.The_gicia:ahadtakenwithh:1aa knookout .tteot_ to presenttorthegrandt'inale.h-ring the ahow tho aagioianpertormed'Varioua .tandard. et1'eotanoh'asthe4'w1niah1ngcards,aaimplebookteatwiththe14-deok.theprincel card triok. oherohealaeto.ftBidealsituationabouttoward.theendottheprogramwhena lad,.friendotthe:taaU,.o. .e cal.ling unexpect.dtor acasual Tisit. ':rhe ladJwasinT1tedinand to herpleasurewaa aak.dtob.aeatedasa . .gio&howwasinprogr••••!hegreat.omentarrived asthe aagioianaddr••••dthe lad, thathadjustdropp.din."Ba.,.e ,.ou end. Ibetor.'"".0anaw.reatheladJ."Did,.ou know that therewould be a aagioshowheretodq'l"".0r"again. "You justcmaeb,. to8&7hellO,oorr~ot'""Oorreot' "."Would ,.ou oare to partioipateina.ostUDusualtest'""Ye.'n"J1a,.IhaYe asampleotJ'our hand writing. Herei .apadandpenoil.Pl.as.aign,.ourfullname." The lad1 oompliedbJ'.igningher name on tho paper pad.fhemaaician thentookup thepad,studied ,herhsndwrlt1Daand gavetbeladJ ashortgrapho-analysis.'"Will ,.ou ple..e justthinko~a . . .berot"lour 1'BDLi17whohasdied andwhowasye1"7dearto7ou•1)0not tell..theD8JIiUIbutjustthinkiDten1;ly01'theperaOll. Iam.going to put thelights outandthen I will _oveto'he tar oornerotthe1'0_.You will .ee .,.tao.as Iwillahine atlashlimton-"ItaoeandwhenI do, Iwant70U towrit8the n-.eot.~Aead persODon thepaper pad and th8n .ealitinthise.n'Vel;,§peandholdi '0_t_,."'.1".e'I.~··.. .·ff··2I.LDK WITHJrlBBl'Ul' •••••OOI'l.oyer70"head. I vill thea put the lights on.R~bemasi8ian th8D aSked the lad7 to please oro•• her~.He then plac..thepaper pad 1D tronto~her, the PeDoU to herright a:A4 the eDvelope to her len. The aag1cian then inatrut.4the la47 Dot to do -,-thing until to14 to. -1'he Jll&gician then oall-e4~orlights out andthenwalked back slowl7 toward.thetaroorner, 1;ookouta pocket naahlight end sbalm itOnhis taoe.He then instruoted the la47 to take up the penoil and write thenameo~the dead peraon, tear ott the aheet and aeal itin1a10envelope_41hold it oTer her head.the aag1cian a1l1tchedottthe pooleet fia.blight and abort-17 oallea tor lights-on• • r-.1aedinthe tar cornerottherOaD, about20teet away traa the la41 and prooeeded.RIha.e an impre.sion that you areth:tDkinaotat~e,ia that oorreet'" "leat" replied the lady."Please reoall md thinkotthe dre.a this peraon waa.earing the last time70Uaaw her. I alao want 70U to piotureinyourmind the ooloro~herhairand e7.a and her approx1llate asewhenabe41e4. Yea,otooura.r You are th1nk:ingotCa:raen Paber.Who.'Tou callod Oar..elita."~elaq lod out a gaap and said "Ye. 'that wa.'I1.tflateand dear almt Cumelita! How JI81"VelouaIflow.1JI}:iL'1-.rveloua."The ladJ and the apeetatorawere atthepart7 Featill talking about that one ettec'. he,. have torgotten thedi-mabing carda which .used them grea'17. and the prino.a. oard'rick and the resto~the program. The., ou.l'T rem"or theU'Il-oanny testofthe dead'dead person. But the laq ola1m.ed that the aasician had de80ri...-ed her almt tulll, telling the 00101'other dress, hair ande"es plus her age _ !hat is exact1,. the etrect the JDafd,oi.VIID-tod to oreate aadwhathe had strived tor.!heaagiclan ereatedthat impressionbJ'leading the laq along the labyrinthofthought. "theto~e.tdark.II!he rest ot the audience was aoimpressed b.,. the test that atter a whilethe'1also thought the8 _ _Itthe magioianCUltell the exact name01'the person hemust also know e.er'J'th:l:ag else•• 0one was aware that the sagioi_ alreaq knewthen.aeotthedead person.The . .gieian pretended that he vas tl'J'-1ngto lea:n. the identityotthe dead person b7 read1ns the ".a-.r1pt1onotthe persan inthe1a41'.aiDd.Thelady assuaed 'bata:tterthemagician got a full deaoription.tthe peraon,hevoU1d thenknowher exac'11.. ._.Inher m.1Jld, the magioian wasreading thought.~0IIlher mind alone, vhieh abe had not vitt_down or told toanrone.It was a airaole and vhe:ll ahe later re-lated her sto%'7 she said exaot1'1 tha1;.!bepreponderanceotimpossibilities that surrounds thepresentation also adds to the legend01'the sto17_'!helad7 had.Inessenoo, the 1I&g1oian GIll., ro...eale4 'he n....01'the"0Ka!AL-E"fBS.lLID: WI!H JrfBUIft'3••••••oQUt•dropped1t7ua.expeotedad.unvited an4 did notknowthere waaa magio ab.ovaD.!helaclJ'andthe JUgician were det1Dite11lDl-kDownto eaoh other.~_gioian w.a20teet .way when thela-d1 wrote the _ _4owa. hlad1 held.thewritten . . . a.al.dinanenYelope .....1'her head.1'he-.agioimbadIlO ex•••• to thewritiDgpa4ad 41d Dot eYell approach the 1a47.HMr41dthe1I&8101and1Tinethe .....otthe dead pel'san,Therea4er oan tiDd the .0lutioD tothe.,..1;er7inPaulCurr'J"a maatertul et.teet oallet lI]fyotalopianinJinx#37_doalao111.4ma••aDD·.Praotical Hental . .t ••ta.Inthe presentation abov., the aaaioian asked the 1aqto tirst sipher naae.tor a .hort handwriting analysia. Aohal-17 the aagieian wUlted to knowitthe laclJ was r1ghtorletthanded and if she wrote legibl7. Bence the _gielan knew where1;0pla.ethepenoU and the _yelope before tbe light. wereturned ot.f.~la4,. i. thell told to oroa. her armsandIlot todoaJl:Tbhinglm'il to14 to and then the lights were extingui.hed.POI'the lNoi.ss ofthetest, therOQllmust b. iD total d.arla1e.a.Aa aoon as the lights are ut1nga.1she4. the . .giol. . exchallge.thewriting pad on the table for a prepared one whichhehadhidden1nhis 80at pocket.Theprepared pad had an 1aPr•••iang:hmD 10k lmderthetop abeet with a20it.le».gth of blaek thr.a4attaohed. A. the magician walks backwards to theta:r-oorner ottheroc..hepa,.. out the thread.'lhenhe tUl"lUl 01'1 the pocketflashlight and instruct. the 1adJ' to piok up the pencil andwrite.!hemagioi. . k••ps up a lineo.tpatterimpr••• ontheaudienoetha,hei. indeed tar awa7 tram. 'he writingo.tthe a ....t.rhemagiclan then extinguishes the pocket fiaahligb.t andas.Oallasthelad,- i. finished writ1ng.heinatrue'. her to 1a7down the penoil and pick uptheenY.lop..'!hi.keeps the 1aqhands oeoupie4 tor a few acaent. during whioh the ugiciapull.on the tread and .teal. the impression g1lma1ok.Assoon aathemagician haa the gj_10k in his handahecalla tor l1ght.-OD.'!he dr-.atio oono1ullion followa.'0t.ifheLiYingUlc1Dead fe.t hall degenerated great1,. with the7eara. !roda,. 1t ill presented b7:u.D:1magiclana 11ke a .impl. oard.triok. At one time the"LandD'.r.stnwas the talk ot the townand the exclusive propertyofa few top notch aedium., who pre-sented the ef.tect like a tull .YeDing dr8ll&. 'lbeae aediuma 414this teat and 1'1othing e18e.'rhe,.not oD!,. told the name ofthedead person but alao told the dis.ase wh1eh oaus.d the death andalao the plac. of death plus n_.a oftl8r.1a1#ifta.TheHuter "gician. throughout history have oreate"~aol.awith 11tt1eorBOtatormatian bQt801.1ybytherare.ot their personalitie. ADd theirOUDDing knOWledgeot 'the huaaa.1....t.
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