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//-->POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 0772BPOST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY077284/10/81bonBlock Prediction DeluxeAnAl Mann ExclusiveNOTE, The deluxe model has a metal tube embeddedin the block which should last a lifetime.The erasor on the gimmicked pencil falls off insidethe blook and into the palm, secretly.It is best to use onion skin paper for the predictions.Always use the accordian fold and handle the block inthe horizontal plane.Besti~kyoul~ryour~urchase;we know thutitand',HLL U;.-;",IT.t :au will~eplessedA block of wood. is brought on stage,'~:; inf~your shci7r,2'_.the dignitary to whom you haveGntru~;~:it for theor so.'fhroughthecenterofttleblockj<hole, sealed~ ~( [ end. It contains three('7)rolled uppie..of paper. 'llher:~ineprediction is the center one; the(t;~~rtwo serve asbKSat both ends of the hole.'i'he seals arer-emovedandore ervd o ape r is shoved out,epened and read. Itmi.ghtre adtAChOSS 'I'HErO?OF 'l'H.8PAPERhiILLB.wr<'OUND'l'HB'NOhDS:ll'rOhONTOSTAR". A su.re-f'ire prediction!!IThe other end paper is now poked out. It might reud:NEARTriEBACh O? rI'.-ih?Ai'~ \.,:rLLj~/OUNDA COLUl1NH.c;AD.t<.;D: IlBIhThS". Anothersure-fire prediction!I!"I/lSa resumefI'he third~aperlSnow removed, andonl" t "the current day's news. CLII"LAXIJAEEaratus:1.'The Block.'Phe block is qui te ordinary except f''Jr thesudden chanpe in diameter of the hole toprovide a step. See Fig.1. It is pine and the wood issealed. tne only care necessary is tne occasionalapplication of' a wood sealer.2.The Pencil. 'i'he pencil isF:mod i fica tion of thestar.d Brabille t nenciL,IT IS 'i'AILOR-i'1ADEFOR'l'nIS.t;?~'i1ocr.'I'ne measurements of the block and tne pencilcomplement one &notner.1t!orking: No attempt will be made here to detail PRESEX'rATION. Ifyou are a profession81, no det8ils will be needed;iryou areanoccasionalper-f'c.r-mer-,you'..;ill find ample referencesin the liter-at.ur-e ,'i'hebare bones ofnhe wor-kl.ng are:with -ehe contents, etc.~.2.Hand ORDINAHY pencil to hAlner Fnd offer aim/her~~dAoftheblock (See~irs.1End2) for theinser~ionofthe pencil tosno ve Billet3'1"0.1iAhrr',AY out.3.~mileNo.1 isbeing read,8'1'1i tchpen ciLs ,AsLmp.lepocket Bwitch is all that is necessary; all fl-ctention is·on the nel.pcr-,1.Have the holesuns e aLedwrriLeac'buaintine;cheauciienceLt ..,;O\-'; -..:push biLletNo.? nart WRy out by' inserdr,,·theb5~letpencil into endBof tileb Lock ,IN)';.;~PROC1~S,)Ot"REi-lOVING'.cIiliPl£Nerr,.sN::iUh}..;'I'rlA'I'frffi;~l-ON'.rm~!LIJNUi'.;ltENGAGES'I'HESTEPIN'rHEHOLE.'i: ..actionS.6.will cause the billet in tne nencil (No.3) toautoma-cically. Johe action is shown in .r"ig.S.While No.2 is being removed and read, switchtpencil for tne crdinary one.Now No.3 is pushed outhy-che helper and is opread for the CLIl"lAX.'ctbilletedandIn StepJt4above it is pos8ible to have the helper use" f )billetpencil to saove out No.2.~oldthe block with the holej:;avertical position and drop the billet pencil into it,itstructinethe helper -co push the billethalf-~ayout.assoon as oe hasdone so, your hand takes the end of the pencilv.nile:,cremovesthe half-emerged billet. You then remove tae pencil, lo&din[" thelast billet. This method does much to conceal the open end of thepencil from accidental viewinB,~ndD~r~it~showing~hepencilall reCund while it is in tne hole resting onBillet1\o.? ••notdelibera-cely,ofcourse, but incidentally.It is suggested thpt the billets be Rccordion-foloed. This foldwilleIiSUI'ei.he expansion necessaryuoretain No •.3intneoLo ckaftertn e others nave beenr-emoved, If the b.i LLetinth e pencilis rolled orci.narily, it is likely not to expand ••• it can be9-u:nped, not pushed, from the block!~;omemayLdk etnis condi tionfor it ensures a logical reason for 'Cne end-aspers. If so,prepare tne rolled billet additionally by holcing it tirhtlyclosed with a piece of Scotch fape.EN3LOC~asconceived to make lorical tne rolled~8perfrom apencil.~hereelse to find a rolled peper hut in2nole?In itsoe veLo pment ,other concepts wereaddecbe c e us e of theunnaturalloo~of themetF.Ibillet pencilQ~rlervery close-upconditions. Also, the-ch~~bmovementneces~aryto eject thebillet from themeta I pencilwasel ilin2 tF,O.(Let magi cipntwatch you in vein!)Soyour pencil hescrackedabi t a t the seam? GoodIIUnewascracked intenticnally. Just insert a tapered dowel stick intothe c.pen endaut'r'dcien tly far tos pre ad the crackJl.'lrU ? LE.. .Place a " s midget" of white flue on your finrertip and rub into"the crack. h emo ve dowel, cleanofi' excess vlue and clamp 10JithBrubber band.'I'ne pencil will nov bef.tron~erl,eun '.... n eni~itsor'it'inc'l state.lHAPPY frlEDICTING!CRaSS -'2JL , .\lC.....JI~or=-BLOC~<~IG-.i, Nl'r/At-PO51TJOI-JSOFBllJErSND<i.iAN DJ-'C!!gFIG-.2.---,::::-LUf?...~/*3 ~;'j-~':. .~Ji~$7Pt.uNGE:R\~\'.so(j~ESTED-----___ -t_f!EC.~_r--6L()SEr'f'(I-+N·EAUIDMAT1CEJE:CTION_mm(1.-FBlll-f:TFlEh5NO,'iI/...I.-.i:-T"'0.7,.r/\J..:E.~'ECrEOfED'"'"13LC'CI<(t>RAWINGS fiC'Trc6cALt:') [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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