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//-->~L MANN~d~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728CODEX-Xcopyright 1979 byAl Mann ExclusivesFOREWORDCodex-X is the final-port-of-call of an odysseythat has taken the author through many years of studyand planning. Codex-X was primarily inspired by thelate Richard Himber's many book tests and C. L.Boarde's monumental work "Maily Mental" Vol II onbook tests. It was secondarily inspired by the men-talist's love for the mystery of the book test thatwas popularized by Annemann in his Jinx and byBurling Hull in his writings.The first notes were penciled in Istanbul, Turkeyin 1961. The origianl concept wittten in poetry wascalled "Incunabula." The name was changed to Codex-Xfor no important reason and the poetry was discardeddue to the fact that forcing poems do not read anytoo good.Many thanks to my Manhattan friend, Mr. H. Pennfor introducing me to all the type setters, printersand book binders in New York City, who helped bringthe pleasant odyssey to its final resting place in-side the covers of the X-Tomes.Gentlemen, please enjoy it.This is set no.of a limite{1--~-first edi tion of300sets. Oz:tgin.lsets ofJbooks, same title.0"-,:_bs.r. -l/nr/kbinst. f. i/nk/kginst. p. l/nf/kb11-lMANN~d~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 077281CODEX-Xcopyright by Al Mann Exclusives1979Gentlemen, since you have paid a good price for this effect,I will not waste your time with verbiage and get down to thebusiness of 'miracles.'THE "TITLE" PREDICTIONEFFECT, Performer predicts what book will be freely chosenfrom a shelf of books by stating the Title and Author of thebook plus a word freely chosen by a spectator! The predictionis sealed in an envelope and given to a spectator before theshow or it can be printed in a newspaper ad.SECRET, Please examine the three hard bound books you havereceived. We will refer to these as the X-Tomes.All three books have the same title and author on the frontcover but are of different size, thickness and color AND theyhave a different number printed on the spine! It is these num-bers(1,5and9)that enables the performer to give the spec-tator a free choice of any book on the shelf AND the spectatorcan count either from right to left or left to right on theshelf!Book1is the thin and tall tan-color bookBook5is the blue bookBook 9 is the red book.123456789THE BASIC FORCE, Here isXXXthe force in its simplestdress. Please refer to Fig.1.It represents a shelf of books195with nine books on it.The X-Tomes are marked X26 54798and are in position3, 6andFig. 18 counting from left to right.The numbers on the spine of theX-Tomes can be placed in any ofthe three positions, their order does not matter. The other sixbooks on the shelf can beanybooks such as the best sellers"or famous books like Sherlock Holmes, Poe, etc. There shouldbe other books with numbers on the spine. But these numbers mustbe greater than nine.12CODEX-XTHE BASIC FORCE •••••••. cont.AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEA spectator is asked to calloutanynumber from 1 to9.If he calls out numbers 1,Sor9,he is directed to pick thatbook off the shelf as that is the only book with that number onthe spinelIf he calls out numbersJ, 6or 8 he is directed to count tohis book from left to right.If he calls out numbers 2,4or7,he is directed to countfrom right to leftlAfter the book is taken from the shelf, performer points outthat all the other books have different titles and authors andtakes some from the shelf to show them.That, Gentlemen is thewe must not act so naive.choice of any number fromeither from right to leftbasic force BUT as master mentalistsWe want to give the spectator a free1 to9and also a choice of countingor left to rightl So we come to the-MASTER FORCE, Let us assume that in Fig. 1 the books havetheir spines facing the audience. For the Master Force we willturn the books around so that the spines are out of sight. Forthat you may simply use two light weight book ends or a smallportable book shelf that can be easily turned around, but onethat will not hide the numbers on the spine when shown.Let Fig. 2 representthe shelf of books withtheir spines facing awayfrom the audience. The X-Tomes are now in reverseorder. However if we turnthe shelf around, the shelfwill look like in Fig. 1.The numbers on the topand bottom of the shelveare imaginary for our owninformation.124XS678X19x9y~S76S421Fig. 2THE PRESENTATION, Porformer calls attention to a shelf ofbooks behind him and states that he is going to try a most uniquetest, one that is seldom tried. He then passes out a sealed en-velope for someone to hold. He next asks anyone in the audienceto callout any number from 1 to9.He also points out that thetitles on the books are outotsight because he does not wantthe number chosen due to the title.If spectator calls out numbers 1,Sor9,the shelf is simplyturned around and the spectator is told to choose the book withthe chosen number on the spine. If any other number is called,3CODEX-XTHE MASTER FORCE ..•••.• cont.performer states, "Now that you have chosen the number, youhave a choice of counting either from left to right or fromright to left.Say that the spectator chose to count from left to right,and that he chose numbers 2,4or7.Performer simply directsthe spectator to count from left to right without turning thebook shelf around. After the book is chosen ( a force tome)performer turns the shelf around to show that the other bookshave other titles and authors, etc.If the number chosen was3, 6or 8 and the spectator mustcount from left to right, THE BOOK SHELF MUST BE TURNED AROUNDby the pretext of saying. "Thank you. I will now show you thespines of the books.tlHere the performer turns the shelf aroundand points out the different titles etc, and then has the spec-tator pick out his chosen book by counting from left to rightlHere is a table prompter that can be pasted on a pencil.First the books must be placed spines backwards as in Fig. 2.To countleft to rightDO NOT TURNTURN SHELFnumberschosen2,4 or 7AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVETo countright to leftTURN SHELFDO NOT TURN3,6or8The patter is the important key here. The book shelf mustbe turned around sooner or later and your audience does notcare when. You have the edge here as to when to turn it aroundand the routine looks quite normal.THE FORMAT OF THE X-TOMESBOOK11(the thin book) contains the original text in63numbered pages and seven chapters. There are no two pages alikein this book. If a book must be given out to examine, this isthe book to use although the other two books can also be givenout. A person can read all of book 1 and not see anything amiss.But the text is very hard reading as it deals with the abstractscience of existentialism. Anyone other than a philosopher orstudent will tire of reading the text after3or four pages.BOOK5.The blue book contains 191 numbered pages in 21 chap-ters. This book contains the same text as book 1 but repeated3times under different page numbers and chapters. Chapter VIIIon page65is the same as Chapter I on page 1, etc.Please note that Chapter XIII (13) on page 105 is not listedon the table of contents. There is a reason for this which will4CODEX-XTHE FORMAT •.•.•••.• cont.AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEbe dealt with later. The table of contents only shows 20 chapterswhile the book has 21. That is because the table of contents willnot come under too much use or scrutiny.BOOK9.The red book contains 255 numbered pages in 28chapters but only 20 chapters are listed in the table of con-tents for the same reason given above. If a spectator is givena choice of any chapter he will be directed to choose from thetable of contents which will give him a wide choice.Book9has the same text as book 1 but repeated4times.The different sizes, thickness and color of the books whichhave the same contents are in itself a potent weapon for anyprofessional mentalist.MINDREADING AND PREDICTING THE WORDAfter forcing the 'Title' and 'Author' the performer alsoforces a word and in the presentation does~uwemindreadinglAfter spectator removes his chosen book trom the shelt, heis told to sit about 10 or more feet away from the performerand to secretly open the book to any page and tell no one thepage number. Performer then tells him what he is reading eventhough every page in the book is different.SECRET. Please open anyone of theX-Tomes to any page. You now have twopages, the left and the right pages.Assume that these two pages are justone. Somewhere on the two pages thereis a short paragraph, composed of3 or4lines.-~Please refer to Fig. 3. Throughoutthe text, there are six short paragraphsFig.3peppered in different positions notnecessarily in any order.Paragraph number 1 is always found in the Upper left handpage as shown by the 1 in the circle on Fig. 3. This is calledparagraph 1, UL.Paragraph 2 is always found on the lower left, called 2-LL.Paragraph 3 is in the upper right, called 3-UR.Paragraph4is in the lower right, called4-LRParagraph 5 starts on the lower left and ends in the upperright. A person reading this short paragraph will start rea-ding on the bottom of the left hand page and end reading on thetop of the right hand page. This is called 5-LL-URParagraphstarts on the lower right and ends in the upper10· .\
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