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//-->(201) 431-2429POST OFFiCE BOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728Ce-'to-lItel2tic,d.AStlJdlf?u7letJ(J.t;IttP'tif/l,tA1(201)431-2429POST OFFICE lOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07721(!~"I.~·1Ktt,.ti,u.Copyright(1982) by Al Mann ExclusivesFEATURINGTHE«4..6""1/tfAAt.",i.,.4,.~fGary MasonEnglandof OXfordshireOn March 5th, 1982, a package arrived from London at theAME offices. It contained a new kind of impression clip boardinvented by Gary Mason. The method used is by far the most ama-zing technique that I have seen that does not use carbon paper orwax. The devise is so sensitive that a person can write with afelt tip pen and the impressionismade. A person with a lighttouch will also make an impressionlI made an impression gimmick, following Gary's instructionsand then put it insidemywallet ( D-M Pouch) and then wrote onpaper using the wallet as a board, with a ball-point pen and theimpression was made!THE SECRET, A self-adhesive plastic sheet is placed overa hard black background like Plastic board, Plexiglass or Styrene!Place a sheet of white paper over all and hold with a dogclip and then write on the paper with a felt-tip pen or any wri-ting implement and a permanent impressionismade on the blackbackground. But this impression can be removed by carefully liftingthe plastic sheet and the devise will last for many monthslSo, let's make an impression gimmick. Go to your local statio-nery store and get a sheet or two of "Clear Seal" self-sealing plas-tic. This comes mounted on a waxed paper backing. DO NOT REMOVE THEPAPER BACKING.From your local hobby or hardware store get some black plasticboard. While you are there get also some see-through plastic orplexiglass. With this small supply you will be able to make a clipboard plus several pocket gimmicks of various sizesNOTE, The "Clear Seal" plastic sheetisused for laminatingphotos and documents, books, etc. These are sold in 10 by 12 in.sheets.The hard plastic board that will be used for making pocketimpression gimmicks to fit envelopes and wallets must be of thethin kind while the plastic board used for clip boards should bethicker, say about378inch thick.For the pocket gimmicks, cut out a piece of thin plastic boardJiby 51 inches and cut out a piece from the "Clear Seal" sheet thef. b/nk/fn2CERO-MENTICSTHE MASTIC MYSTERIEScont. ••AN AL MANN EKCLUS IVEsame size BUT leave the waxed paper backing in place.Next attach all three parts at one end with scotch tape asshown in Fig. 1.A is the self-adhesive sheetB is the waxed paper backing. Removethis paper before using.C is the black plastic boardNow place this gimmick inside a letter en-velope or in your wallet and have some oneFig. 1write a word with a ball tip pen, or draw adesign. You will be amazed at the impressions.made. When using your leather wallet it is best tost~ckto designs as these will show easily on the gimmick.If you put the gimmick inside and envelope, a person can drawa design with a felt tip pen or an ink marker and the design willbe on the gimmick. Same thing if you make a clip board by using alarger gimmick and a dog clip.When using a clip board, place two pieces of white paper overit so that the impression is not seen when the top sheet is removedby the VIP.THE SEE THROUGH GM BOARDI took Gary's principle and applied it to a transparent clipboard and got results. Here the self-adhesive sheet is placed overthe transparent clip board. Place two sheets of paper over it anddraw a design or whatever. Then after removing the paper the boardcan be thrown over a black background or just simply glimpse at theright angle to the light.But Please do not tilt the board away from you looking for theimpression. That is surely a dead give away. The board must be til-ted towards youl This is done during your patter. Assuming thatyou are wearing a white shirt and that there is a light ahead ofyou, your white shirt will reflect enough light to accentuate theimpression on the clear plastic.FINE POINTS. To ,get the boards ready for another test you mustcarefully peel back the adhesive sheet and then replace it.To store your gimmicks, you must replace the waxed paper backingbehind the adhesive sheet.LET'S GO BACK IN TIME a piece. I remember back in the 1950'swhen all magicdom went bannanas over the "Magic Slate!" This itemis sold in toy stores. It is made with a light gray thin sheet overa black waxed board. Children write on it with a stick. Theimpression can then be removed simply by lifting the top sheet fromthe wax board. That is the one feature that appealed to magicians.3CERO-MENTICSTHE SEE THROUGH GM BOARD•• cont.AN AL MANN EKCLUS IVEThe 'Magic Slate' could be used many times without need ofchanging anything.I first saw a magic slate gimmick used with Annemann's "Men-tal Masterpiece" card case. Later I used it with Paul Curry's'Nyctalopia' (Jinx#37)from Practical Mental Effects and which Idetailed in MentalEttes. INILSONINTIIPIISIS,also used it with Maurice'sHandy Andy from 'Still More Mi-racles in Mentalism.'Bob Nelson used it in hisPhantom Mindreader.One fault of the 'MagicSlate' was that air bubbles ormishandling could erase the im-pressions. Gary Mason's gimmickINCaEDlBLE BUT TaVE!eliminates this danger. The GMNEW! EXCITING! THE ANSWER TO THE MENTALIST'S DREAMS.At lut, a perteet, lDdetedable IDHllIofimmediately .eeurlDc full ltDowledcegimmick will never erase and any'written quelt10Dldetail. Spectatorlimpl,. writes a questioD and himself sealsat1Denvelope and retaiDIit.Attime, does the mentalist so muchububbles will not interfere withtouch thewrlUnaor sealed en\"elopa. Yet, in flasb, the mental1st has full knO'Vl.'ledleof the writtendata.its function.Nelson', Phantomdoes thetrick -truly •"Phantom,"itb neverby the 8udleDc:e.Itdelivers the meSlale to the mentalist 'n seconds in a mostnatural, ullSUJpleioul manner.Back in1975,I wrote somecell" .-wan -&bewritten Question _moyes_ideas with the Magic Slate andDOatatU.... -a.ftplaceIDe.1I Deeded!Nelson'a Phantom 1l4indruderisthe perfect means to mentalism. Useiton thesend them to Bascom Jones as aatreet comer, club,or wherever people ,ather. A perfect demonstra..tion for people who pin you dowD andREAD MY MIND.Eue of baDdllDc - perfedly natural use ofthil .......n-limpllcll7Incontribution to Magick. But forA tboUiaDd and one natural UHS for secretlywritten datefromaspectator. Read)' to repeat in a second or two.some reason they were neverthis ,reatin 1mpromptu mindreadiDINelson, of eeurse, brLngstutl. Indllpens1ble,youwUluseItIn hundreds of different ways on various oceasions.printed. I called the effectWithcare,itwill.8It.We time -DOreplaeements, either.Nelson'. Pb.an&om MiDdl'eader( No. 651). with extensive routines*JU'liThe RMS Principle" meaningReversed Magic Slate.For the record, here isFig. 2the effect.~faDdaDordinaryDO8J41~eaderaeeDItelDember, &bere are DO carboa papers -DO haDIIl1IDc 01lpedat.or'1DO Iwlkll.lllc _ DODO '1UIII7parti..,OD IboWI,Ia)' -itaelf.leCW'ina:._cIt)'o~inno~ationEFFECT. A spectator is given a clip board and sits across theroom from you (about 10 feet away) and draws a design on the paperon the clip board. The Mentalist duplicates the design withoutapproaching the spectator or leaving his chairlSECRET. A see-through clip board and a 'reversed magic slate'(home made) was used.To construct the RMS slate, take a sheet of black construction* paper and wax one side of it. Then place a thin sheet of white paper*over the waxed side and place these two sheets on the clip board sothat the white paper is against the board. Then place another pieceof white paper over the construction paper and all is ready.Anything drawn on the white sheet on the board will make animpression on the hidden white sheet showing through the back ofthe clip boardl BUT you must never look at the back of the boardS(** Use thin silhouette balck art paper and tracing white paper)"fA..~7I/S;>-.c:.e'I'A (,4CERO-MENTICSTHE RMS PRINCIPLEcorrt , .•AN AL MANN EX..CLUSIVEYou must plan your presentation of this effect very carefully.Your presentation will make or break the 'miracle.'THE PRESENTATION. After you give the spectator the clip board,tell him not to do anything until you have turned your back. Thenhe is to draw a design on the board and then hold the board againsthis chest so that no one can see what he has drawn.So youturnyour back to him and tell him to draw hisdesi~and to tell you when he is done. (use a thick hard lead pencil)Now you say, "While my back is turned to you, I am going todraw a design also (on ,an index card)."With your back turned, you pretend to draw something on theindex card but actually draw nothing. Then put the pencil away orthrow it away with a flourish (like Fogel).You now turn around to face the spectator and say, "Please donot tell me what you have drawn. I am going to tell you first whatI have drawn on this card. Will you be amazed if we have both drawnsimilar designs?"You have now glimpse the impression of the design and have hadample time to draw the same thing on your card with a swami gimmick!Remember that you are still several feet away from the spectator."I have drawn the starlIt (Gasps, we hope) "What did you draw?"Since you drew your design while your back was turned (didn'tyou?) no suspicion will fallon. the clip board.FINE POINTS. Get some black silhouette paper from the artsupply store. This is very thin blackpaper. The constructionpaper is a bit too thick.It is best to cover the entire board with the black paperand if you use Gary Mason's gimmick instead, the back of the boardwill look black •.,~ -r>t!t"~e'J*./f6tet9c_lftie~To build a deluxe impression gimmick that will drop by theforce of gravity into your hand as used in Maurice's Handy Andy andin the Jupiter effect in 'Through a Wall, Mistily,' get a piece offine sheet metal about3iby3iinches ( or any size as needed) andcover one side with a black plastic sheet and then place the self-adhesive sheet over all. The sheet metal is used to add weight tothe gimmick.If you prefer a black carbon on white impression, then youmust use rubber cement to attach the white paper to the metal. Thepaper can then be easily removed when used.NOTE. When storing your GM impression gimmicks, you must re-place the wax paper backing BUT make sure that the wax side of thepaper is facing the adhesive side of the plastic sheet. Otherwisethe gimmick will be ruined.
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