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//-->LMAN(8ad'a.1eVe4NAI MannTel.304-947·n30P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 254229~at(,(,-tiU'DU(/J,!4it:r:a~e"t.:&.Z9~% ~ad15(:tt(,t6q-"itaa~d6,4te~t'·l/tciAIMannTel.304-947-n30P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 25422FORWARDIn1926,Dunninger shattered the known world of thestage mindreaders by introducing a method that did away will allpreviously known systems of stage mindreading.Clipboards,codes, bi1le t and envelopeswi tching devises, hidden telephonesand most important of all, assistants became history.Dunninger did it all with his mysterious looking box-traytablet of his own invention and his method became a one-manpresentation and the best ever conceived.In this treatise professional Mentalist Richard Oster1indfrom Connecticut tells the reader an easy way of constructing thisbox tablet.PLEASE NOTE: Dunninger used the box tablet also for coveringhis left hand while he took out a hand full of stolen billets fromhis left pants pocket while standing and delivering his openinglecture and then sat in his easy chair with the box tablet almosttotally out of sight of the audience and then opened out the box.The reade r should p r act ice hiswn preferred system well.Richar Os terl ind does a standing act and has perfected his ownhandling.5U%znn'Tef304-947-7730P.O.1Jo.t155./great Cacapon,'lYV25422vef;tacle8~~a modern method'6y~aOsterCintiDunninger was, without doubt, the greatest Mentalist of the twentiethcentury. His method has been documented in previous books by AI Mann and'-others. I began using the Dunninger routine in 1972 and have developedmany additions and variations over the years to suit my own needs.What you are about to read here is a method that works perfectly and willconvince any audience that you can read minds. It's secret will throw offboth Magicians and well-informed laymen. There is some work involved inmaking up the gimmick, but nothing worthwhile comes easily. The readerwill be well-rewarded for the amount of effort put forth.This manuscript is for the serious professional and it is assumed that thereader has considerable knowledge of his art.Richard Osterlind2Effect:The Mentalist passes out small pieces of paper (2" by 2") to the audiencealong with some pencils. They are requested to write personalinformation on their paper and to fold it up. The Mentalist then suppliesthe audience with letter size envelopes for them to seal their papers in.The Mentalists never collects the envelopes, but rather leaves them withthe audience members.Without the use of any screens, the Mentalist picks up his writing pad (tobe described later) and begins to read minds. Half way through thepresentation the Mentalists, by his actions, shows that the pad is ordinaryand does not contain any billets. (The performer doesn't say this, ofcourse!) At the end of the mind-reading demonstration the pad can be usedfor a prediction and left in the hands of an audience member.This method was developed from years of experience and is definately nota pipe dream.Requirements:The main gimmick in this method is the secret writing pad the Mentalistuses. It will be easier to show its manufacture with drawings.Please note in the following illustrations that the pad resembles certaintype of gift boxes. Many boxes have a top that folds in exactly the sameway as the writing pad. This type of pad was used by Dunninger and isused by a number of Mentalists today. We are going to add somerefinements, however, that will take it into the 21 st centurylThe method of constructing the pad and the materials necessary for theconstruction will be given the reader on the next page. In addition tothose materials you will also need some double-sidedScotchtape andsomeNCRpaper. To obtain theNCRpaper go to your printer and requestthe necessary paper in WHITE. Make sure you get a good supply (it isn'tthat expensive) and make sure you know which is the top and which is thebottom. While at the printers, have him cut you a bunch of paper 2" X 2".Also obtain some small golf pencils. These usually come in a box of agross.3o-------The above illustrations show the pad in its closed position, halfway openand finally fully opened. The measurements of the pad proper are slightlylarger than 8 1/2" by 11" so that it will take normal sheets of typingpaper.There are a few ways to construct the pad. The quickest, cheapest andeasiest way is for the reader to visit a large stationary store and by someheavy cardboard and some black (or woodgrain)Contactpaper.From the cardboard cut out two pieces exactly 8 1/2" by 11" and one piece8 1/2" by 4 1/4". Take one of the larger pieces and cut it in half lenthwiseas shown in the illustration. Trim off the bottoms on a slight angle asshown in the drawing. The exact angle and size is not crucial. It is toallow your fingers to open the pad.Now cut the smaller piece into three pieces as clearly shown in thedrawings. Trim about 1/16th of an inch from those edges as shown in theillustration. This will allow room for the hinges.If you have any questions about cutting the cardboard refer back to theillustrations of the completed pad.
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