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//-->ALFA ROMEOArtwork Mark VersionAW Printed Version CMYKCMYKAC08 05 15AC4C4CCoupeSpiderHOW tO navigateTo Turn The pageSTouch/Click the arrows on either side of the brochure.Table of ConTenTSTouch/Click the Table of Contents button in the top navigation bar of thescreen to advance to specific areas of interest.Video ComponenTSTo play video embedded within the brochure a live internet connectionis required.alfaromeousa.comfind a dealerbuild & priceLEARN MOREALFAROMEOUSA.COMThey’re here. Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe and 4C Spider, with their captivating mix of progressive technology, race-inspiredperformance and seductive styling, have come ashore to thrill Alfa Romeo devotees, performance enthusiasts and carconnoisseurs alike. Born in Milan, Italy, each 4C model features interior and exterior design elements that conspire torouse the senses, channeling the unique Alfa Romeo spirit that is over one-hundred years in the making.2T e C h n o l o g y•p e r f o r m a n C e•S T y l e3LEARN MOREALFAROMEOUSA.COM2006 Alfa Romeo announces the production of the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione,a limited-series, high-performance V8-powered coupe. Highly in demand for itsremarkable styling and performance capabilities, only 500 models were producedand quickly sold, with just under 100 distributed in North America. Fans havebeen eagerly awaiting the return of Alfa Romeo ever since.A DRIVING PASSION FUELED AT FINISH LINES1928 The 6C 1500 Super Sportwas the winner of many races,including the Italian endurancerace, Mille Miglia. This thousand-mile course is what made manysports cars famous, includingAlfa Romeo. Winning Mille Migliarequired much more than justspeed — lightness, efficiency andagility were also keys to success.1930s Enzo Ferrari was head of the legendaryAlfa Romeo racing team division, Scuderia Ferrari.Under Ferrari’s leadership, Alfa Romeo wonmore races than any other manufacturer.He said, “I feel for Alfa the same tenderness onefeels when remembering his first love.”1925 – 1945 The evolving Alfa Romeo badge includesthe emblem of The House of Visconti, the 14th-centuryrulers of Milan. The emblem of Milan, a red cross onwhite, appears to its left. Two Savoy dynasty knotshonoring the Kingdom of Italy separate ALFA-ROMEOand MILANO. After winning the inaugural AutomobileWorld Championship in 1925, the gold laurel wreathwas added around the badge.1967 Created during what is known as The Alfa Romeo GloryYears, the Tipo 33 Stradale is a car collector ’s dream — oftencalled the most beautiful car of all time. Its mid-engine, rear-wheel design inspires to this day, including the just recentlyintroduced Alfa Romeo 4C. With only 18 produced, the car isextremely rare. The value of each is almost impossible todetermine, as the 33 Stradale is hardly ever traded.Alfa Romeo has built its name onsome of the world’s most challengingraceways and courses for over one-hundred years. Top accolades includefive World Championships, seventeenEuropean Championships, elevenMille Miglia, ten Targa Florio and four24 Hours of Le Mans titles. Thereverence people hold for Alfa Romeostarted at those racetracks and isnow apparent on streets and incultures the world over. There isperhaps no better example of thesaying “everyone loves a winner”.See inside back coverfor details.1965 The Tipo 33 served as a sports-racing prototype and was the inspirationfor the iconic Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale.4Alfa Romeo Automobilismo Storico, Centro Documentazione (Arese, Milano).5alfa romeo 4c unabashedly drawsits inspiration from the iconic 1967alfa romeo 33 Stradale, a long-timefixture on “world’s best” lists.Alfa Romeo produced just 18 examples of the33 Stradale, the street-legal version of the racingType 33. It was packed with the era’s mostinnovative technology, including a mixed-structurechassis derived from aeronautical technology usingmagnesium alloy and steel tubing. As seen at firstglance, 33 Stradale and the 4C share the same lines,in which every single element has an essentialfunction, and nothing is superfluous. Both conveythe pure automotive passion held by every designer,engineer, driver and enthusiast that has influencedthe brand, past and present.LEARN MOREALFAROMEOUSA.COM1967620157Alfa Romeo Automobilismo Storico, Centro Documentazione (Arese, Milano).alfa rOMeO leadinGinnOVaTiOn: THinK firSTTO be firST.For over a century, the fierce competitive spirit that isthe driving force behind Alfa Romeo racetrack wins hastranslated to its leading status as a world-class automaker.Engineering and design innovations led to the developmentof lightweight but durable chassis systems for race cars.These advancements have been incorporated into theAlfa Romeo street production cars, making them not onlyfast, but agile, responsive and perfectly balanced.In bringing these racing innovations to production street cars,Alfa Romeo can name a number of engineering firsts:• 1940 GP Tipo 512 had the first Flat-12 engine in the world• Won the first two Formula One World Championships in 1950 and 1951• Built the first large production all-alloy engine for the 1954 Giulietta Sprint• Developed racing’s first safety fuel tank• Introduced a 5-speed manual and front crumple zones on the 1962 Giulia TI• Patented Hydraulic-Variable Camshaft Timing in 1982• Put the Cylinder-On-Demand engine in a production car for the 1983 Alfetta 2.0 CEM• Designed the V10 engine for racing in 1986• Introduced the Twin Spark engine for production road-use cars• Initiated the Common Rail system for diesel engines with the Alfa 15689
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