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//-->PRAISE FOR THEALPHA PACK NOVELSCole’s Redemption“Tyler delivers once again with the fun fifth installment of her Alpha Pack series featuring sexypsychic Navy SEALs turned wolf shifters. Fast-paced and passionate adventure is a hallmark ofTyler’s writing, and Cole’s story is no exception.”—RTBook ReviewsHunter’s Heart“In the rapid-fire fourth Alpha Pack novel from Tyler (afterBlack Moon),a psychic wolf shiftermeets a wildlife biologist who captures his heart. As the Alpha Pack—a group of former NavySEALs turned shifters—race against time to catch the killer, Daria and Ryon’s romance turns red-hot,even though they’re fighting to stay alive. An unexpected concluding twist provides a little edge andneatly sets up the next entry in the series.”—PublishersWeekly“Fast-paced with a great sense of adventure, as only sexy psychic Navy SEALs turned wolf shifterscan provide. The characters have a complexity that brings depth to the story, but the passion betweenRyon and Daria makes for a particularly hot read.”—RTBook Reviews“Amazing characters, wonderful drama . . . hot and to die for. Make sure you have a cool drink closeat hand because Ryon and Daria together are a romance reader’s joy and delight. Final word on thisbook: Get It Right Now!”—Dark Faerie TalesBlack Moon“I loved every single minute of [BlackMoon],every event, and every twist. This book was action-packed and smexy-packed. You will fall in love with Kalen if you weren’t already.”—Under the Covers“Tyler brings more intense romance and danger to this third entry in the Alpha Pack series.Werewolves and Marines are a heady combination, making the men of the Alpha Pack exciting andpassionate. The women in this series are strong enough to stand up to the men without losing theirfeminine edge, and Mackenzie definitely lives up to the standard.”—RTBook ReviewsSavage Awakening“In a genre with werewolves aplenty,Savage Awakeningleads the herd with its strong characterdevelopment and intensity. . . . It’s hard not to fall in love with the Alpha Pack.”—RTBook ReviewsPrimal Law“WithPrimal Law,J. D. Tyler has created a whole squad of yummy shifter heroes whom readers willfall head over heels for. . . . I can’t wait for Tyler’s next Alpha Pack adventure!”—NewYork Timesbestselling author Angela Knight“Tyler has set up an intriguing premise for her series, which promises plenty of action, treachery, andscorchingly hot sex.”—RTBook Reviews“Sizzling and interesting,Primal Lawpays homage to Lora Leigh’s Breed series while forging itsown paths. The characters are likable, and the work speeds along.”—Fresh Fiction“In a genre where the paranormal is intense, J. D. Tyler may just be a force to be reckoned with. Thebook kept me riveted from start to finish.”—Night Owl ReviewsAlso by J. D. TylerCole’s RedemptionHunter’s HeartBlack MoonSavage AwakeningBlack Moon(Novella)Primal Law [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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