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WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author???s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.Cover Design: Selena KittAlmost Blinded To Love ?? 2009 A. MistoryeXcessica publishingAll rights reservedAlmost Blinded to LoveBy A. MistoryChapter 1It's rotten to find you've suddenly been dumped! For a time, I really thought we had something good going. My current, or ex-current, I guess, partner told me she had to do it, had to have a man. Well, I knew she was bi, but she said that was over, that she hadn't had a man in several years, and women were all she was interested in, me in particular when she told me this about nine months ago.This was just about enough. My ego was feeling very tender after this. Would I never find love, real love, or was it only a myth? No, it wasn???t a myth, Carole and Jessi had love. Why couldn???t I? Still, Lydia moving away and ending our relationship, and now Myra, and my ego is fracturing big time.I knew about Myra, that she'd been with men, had liked them, but I also knew for sure that she had been exclusively with women for the last couple of years. There was no way Myra could go out with a woman, and a man too. I mean, you can, but all the time? I doubted it.We were both unattached when we got together, Myra for about two months, and me for about six months after Lydia left. Myra's last partner was Shirley, a blonde that was nice to look at. What happened to them, I didn???t know. Whatever broke them up, she was with Shirley nonstop, almost like a marriage. It was pretty much the same when we were together, or at least I thought so.Myra had very sweet looking brown hair that she wore short, and was very vivacious. That, and a good dancer. We loved to dance. We met formally while she was with Shirley, but we didn't try to hit on each other. I've always respected boundaries, what I felt were rights when someone was partnered, or even just out on a date. Myra was pretty much that way too, and I liked and respected that.When I found out about her break up with Shirley, I was instantly interested. I hated sleeping alone, and though I loved to play with my clit, I preferred for it to be played with by a lover, and even better, a partner. Besides, Myra was my type of woman. We all have our preferences, and Myra had a killer body as far as I was concerned, and everyone else thought so too.My former partner before Myra, Lydia, was as close as I ever came to being head-over-heels in love, my high school days not being counted, that is. That was puppy love, but Lydia was like me, I think, and not really in love. Lydia was exceptionally good looking, and her body was similar to mine, not as lush as Myra???s, but right to my taste in my women. I had thought that we got along great, but as with Myra, love just wasn???t there, I guess.What did it take to find love, to meet someone you really knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? Whatever it was, I hadn't found it. Had I simply been willing to accept good sex with an erotic body? I began to think that might be my problem, and if it wasn???t, then I didn???t know what it was.With Myra, I must have had hopes that it would happen, that we might grow into love. She was great to look at facially, and God, was she ever sexy. Myra loved to show off what she had, and she had it. Myra was bigger than average in the breast department, very full and luscious to look at, and they jiggled so saucily with her every move. Her tits where like jell-O, but kind of solid???human solid???with sex written all over them. She was really tempting in every bodily way. She was also outgoing, and that included a tempting, teasing smile.Me? I'm not too bad being slightly over five foot six. What my best feature is may be debatable, I guess. My hair is a honey color that falls past my shoulders. Myra loved it, or so she said. I believed it. My breasts are a little larger than average size, but quite nice, with pretty full nipples that are sensitive, and love to be kissed, and handled, or tongued, or even nipped at, but lightly. I'm not into pain. Myra quickly exploited that fact, but never went past the pain border, just enough to drive me wild.All of my friends tell me I've got a sweet face, one that really sets them at ease, and I make a nice picture in heels. That's how people tend to see me, as far as I can tell. I make friends easily, though I'm a bit careful about trying to be good friends with just anyone. I have to really like them, like Carole, and her partner Jessi.I really envy those two. They're so in love with each other. Jessi is a natural born flirt, and what a dancer. No matter who Jessi dances with, she takes them over, and leaves them with their tongues hanging out. How can she not? Her whole body moves like controlled water. Have you ever seen one of those goofy liquid tanks that constantly tilt from one side to the other, their liquid moving almost sensuously, flowing and making the tank tilt with its movement? That's Jessi, though she's not almost sensuous, she is sensuousness itself.I've often wondered at how it is that Carole doesn't get the least bit jealous watching Jessi dance with someone else, but she doesn't. Maybe I shouldn't wonder at it at all. Whenever any dance is over, Jessi always goes to Carole and clings to her like a stain on your favorite blouse. In fact, they're all over each other. They're absolutely disgusting.Maybe I???m shooting too high. Maybe everyone isn???t able to be like Carole and Jessi. Maybe, but it???s what I want. What I???ve always wanted, a love of my own, and forever.When Myra was known to be single, we started dancing together. I'm not a bad dancer, so we hit if off really good. My downfall was that I paint portraits on the side, and everyone knows it. I'm good, though I don't do it full time. Maybe I'm just scared to put all of my financial self into portrait painting alone. One thing I love about it, besides just loving to paint, is that it brings me a nice bundle of side cash, and all of it under the table. That I really love.After Myra and I started dancing, a few weeks later, she asked me to paint her portrait. I knew what she meant. She wanted it nude. They all did, or at least my circle of friends. That was how Myra and I got to be together. As I did with everyone, I had her sign a form that gave me permission to sell it, if they were okay with it. Some said yes, and I sold them if they didn't want them, but they were few and far between. Often those that signed off on me selling their portrait were models to whom I paid a commission after the sale. That worked well for all of us.Myra liked that thought too, and signed, saying she would decide later if she really wanted to keep it. I was always careful about painting people, and steering away from possible problems.Myra came over on the next Friday evening. After a quick salad supper and wine, we went to my studio in the basement. There was no hesitation to Myra???s disrobing, she did it rather easily. Though I wasn't really sure how much, or how I liked Myra, seeing her naked body sealed my fate. Being an artist can be so rewarding, and it can also be damning.It's like anything else. If you're good at it, and you like doing it, you begin to notice things that the untrained eye doesn't, or with your mind, know what is not known by others not in your field of interest. My eyes instantly saw things about Myra's body that had me salivating, and my pussy reacting like a hungry animal behind a smelly restaurant.Myra's tits were fabulous, and she knew it, as well she knew she had a great ass and legs that matched, and was almost beautiful of face. What she had no visual appreciation of was her pussy. That's what sunk me. Lesbians have a variety of favorite things they liked in their partners, or liked to do with their partners. There's the fabled butches who love to ram a femme with their strap-on and dildo, or those who incessantly love to have their pussy eaten by the femme, sometimes in a humiliating way, or in public.Others, not so butch, or even caring for that label, just like their sex, either oral, or maybe with a strap-on, either getting or giving. Some like it all. There's no shortage of preferences, or mixes of our likes, and even dislikes. Some femmes like to eat their partners pussy, some love it when they get eaten, loved, by their partner. We all have our preferences, and partnering with someone who matches up with you can sometimes be a bit daunting.Myra and I were a bit different, but that worked out just fine with us. She loved to fuck me with a strap-on, and I loved to eat her beautiful, sexy, lust inducing pussy. Suffice to say that we could both get very horny, and very quickly. I guess that should have told me what our attraction to each other was, besides liking the way we looked to each other.When she was on the divan I had for a reclining nude portrait, which most ... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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