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The complete guide to observing the night sky
Guide to the stars
Viewing planets
Gazing up at the sky, you can get an idea of the wonders that our
galaxy holds. With the naked eye you can view a sea of stars, behold
the beauty of the Moon and the awesome power of the Sun. But with
a little guidence, there's so much more to enjoy. In this book, we'll
start by helping you choose the best telescope and get set up, as well
as guide you through the cameras that will help you get started in
astrophotography. Following on from that, take a tour through the
universe, as we show you how to view the stars, moons, planets and
more. Gaze upon the wonder of the Aurora Borealis, stare at Saturn's
rings and marvel at a meteor shower. You'll also find a comprehensive
Star Atlas that will help you identify the constellations, no matter what
time of year you're exploring the night sky.
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All About Space Astronomer Book
© 2014 Imagine Publishing Ltd
ISBN 978-1909758940
Part of the
bookazine series
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