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//-->How Jesse Owens destroyedHitler’s Aryan delusionThe Nazi OlympicsHow Edward IV triumphedat TewkesburyHOUSEOF YORKRISE OF THESPANISHCIVIL WARPicasso, Orwell and thefight against fascismROME’S DEADLIEST TYRANTPLUSThe British RajBoxer RebellionDiscovery ofAustraliaPrison hulksInside his savage killing spree andtwisted mother-son love affair18 wildesthoaxesFrom the Cottingley Fairiesto the Roswell alien autopsywww.historyanswers.co.ukMary Stuart:the true heir?Queen Elizabeth’s plot tohide the truth revealedISSUE 41On page 38, discover howJesse Owens defied Hitlerat the Nazi OlympicsThe story of Nero’s rise to infamy is one ofbloodshed, betrayal and brutality. Whileresearching this issue’s cover feature, I oftenfound it hard to believe what I was reading– from the alleged murder of his pregnantwife to his marriage to a slave boy who borean uncanny resemblance to her, it just getsweirder and weirder. From page 28, you canuncover the full twisted tale for yourself, whileon page 60, we take a look at Edward IV’striumph at Tewkesbury.This issue we’re also marking 80 years sincethe 1936 Olympic Games with a special featureon the international reaction to Hitler’s racialpolicies in the Third Reich. Turn to page 38 tofind out more.© AlamyWelcomeEditor’s picksIn other news, I’m sad to say that this willbe my last issue ofAll About History.I’veloved every minute of it, but it’s time for a newchallenge, and I’m sure that the next editorwill take just as much joy in sharing history’sgreatest stories with you as I have.All the best.20Inside a prison shipTake a look inside and at lifeon board one of the floatingprisons that carried convictsto Australian penal colonieswith this incredible cutaway.52Artists in ArmsProfessor Peter Monteathdiscusses the role thatartists and writers had indeciding the outcome of theSpanish Civil War, and theirworldwide impact.60Alicea FrancisEditorShare your views and opinions onlineThe first Yorkist kingHistorian and novelist DerekWilson gives a blow-by-blowaccount of the Battle ofTewkesbury, and tells howEdward IV finally defeatedthe Lancastrians.Be part of historywww.historyanswers.co.ukFacebook/AllAboutHistoryTwitter@AboutHistoryMag3CONTENTSWelcome toAll About HistoryROME’S DEADLIEST TYRANT28The rise and fall of the murderous Roman emperor2814TimeliFrom the arrIndigenous A16How toPlay Marn Grinspiration fo185 amazfactsAbout the EuLand Down U20InsideTake a lookdestined for22Day inOf a bushrandodge the law3824Hall ofTen Indigenothe history b26AnatoA light horseBattle of Gal38The 1936 NaziOlympicsHow Jesse Owens defied the odds at theGames Hitler hosted60The FirstYorkist KingInside Edward IV’s triumph at theBattle of Tewkesbury52Spanish Civil WarArtists in ArmsExplore the role of art, literature andphotography in the fight against fascism7420 WildestHoaxesFrom the Loch Ness Monster to theinfamous alien autopsy footage4Be part of historywww.historyanswers.co.uk/AllAboutHistory@AboutHistoryMagEVERY ISSUE06History inpicturesThree incredible photos with equallyamazing stories36Bluffer’s guideAn at-a-glance explanation of theBoxer Rebellion524646Hero or villain?Was Mary Queen of Scots a martyror a murderer? We weigh up thearguments50Through HistoryThe history of hygiene products,from ancient soap to safety razors58Time traveller’shandbookFind out how you’d survive a trip toEast Berlin in the 1960s82Greatest battlesA blow-by-blow account of the Battleof Iwo Jima86ReviewsThe latest reference books andnovels rated or slated90How to make…Australian damper bread, a staple ofcolonial stockmen74066092History answersFind out how long rationingcontinued for after World War II andmuch more94Your historyA reader tells the touching story ofher grandparents’ reunion after WWI98History vsHollywoodJust how accurate isValkyrie?ENJOYED THEMAGAZINE?SUBSCRIBE &SAVE 25%Page 68
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