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Their Right to Speak
Their Right to Speak
Women’s Activism
in the Indian and Slave Debates
Alisse Portnoy
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England
Copyright © 2005 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Portnoy, Alisse, 1969–
Their right to speak : women’s activism in the Indian and slave debates / Alisse Portnoy.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-674-01922-9
1. Women political activists—United States—History—19th century. 2. Political
participation—United States—History—19th century. 3. Women abolitionists—United
States—History—19th century. 4. Antislavery movements—United States—History—
19th century. 5. Indians of North America—Relocation. 6. Indians, Treatment of—United
States—Public opinion—History—19th century. 7. Petitions—United States—History—
19th century. I. Title.
HQ1236.5.U6P67 2005
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