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how americans faced the cuban missile crisis
alice l. george
the university of north carolina press chapel hill and london
© 2003 The University of North Carolina Press
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The paper in this book meets the guidelines for
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Council on Library Resources.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
George, Alice L., 1952–
Awaiting Armageddon : how Americans faced the Cuban
Missile Crisis / Alice L. George.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
isbn 0-8078-2828-9 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. 2. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962—
Social aspects. 3. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962—Public opinion.
4. Civil defense—United States—History—20th century.
5. Nuclear warfare—Social aspects—United States—History—
20th century. 6. Cold War—Social aspects—United States.
7. United States—Social conditions—1960–1980. 8. United
States—Politics and government—1961–1963. 9. Public
opinion—United States—History—20th century. I. Title.
e841 .g39 2003
0706050403 54321
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